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American Contributions to European Archaeology
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Title: American Contributions to European Archaeology

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Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 62 (2010)


Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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We survey the American archaeologists who have contributed to European prehistoric and historic research. Since the 1960s, the number of American archaeologists working in Europe has increased, now including over 130 archaeologists working in 33 countries. Contributing American archaeologists are defined as those with US citizenship who have published articles presenting field data or artifact analysis. These archaeologists have contributed strongly to European Palaeolithic and Neolithic research, but only few have specialized in the Bronze and Iron Ages. Following a table of archaeologists and their research interests we discuss the contributions of specific archaeologists in more depth. The quantity of archaeological data generated by Americans in Europe is impressive, since numerous excavations of specific sites have been carried out. Finally, we consider some factors affecting international collaboration and those aspects of Europe which make it so appealing to American archaeologists


Adams B. (and Árpád Ringer) 2001. Sajóbábony-Méhésztetӧ, Eponymous Site of the Middle Palaeolithic Bábonyiam Industry: Microwear Studies Made on Tools at the Site During the 1997 Excavation. Praehistoria 1,117-128
Adler D. S. Prindville 'T. P. and Conrad N. J. 2003. Patterns of Spatial Organization and Land Use During the Eemian Intergalcial in the Rhineland: New Data from Wllertheim, Germany. Eurasian Prehistory 1(2), 25-78
Adovasio J. M. and Masłowski R. F. 1988. Textile Impressions on Ceramic Vessels at Divostin. In A. McPherron and D. Srejović (eds.), Divostin and the Neolithic of Central Serbia. Pittsburgh, 345-354
Allen S. E. 2005. A Living Landscape. The Palaeoethnobotany of Sovjan, Albania. Ann Arbor (University Microfilms)
Ammerman A. J. and Cavalli-Sforza L. L. 1972. Measuring the rate of spread of early farming in Europe. Man 6, 674-688
Antanaitis-Jacobs I., Kisielienë D. and Stančikaitë M. 2004. Archeobotanika Lietuvoje: Makrobotaniniai ir palinologiniai tyrinëjimai. Lietuvos Archeologija 26, 75-96
Anthony D. W. 2007. The Horse, the wheel, and language. Princeton
Anthony D. W. and Brown D. R. 1991. The origins of horseback riding. Antiquity 65, 22-38
Arnold B. 1990. The past as propaganda: totalitarian archaeology in Nazi Germany. Antiquity 64(244), 464-478
Arnold B. 2005. Mobile Men, Sedentary Women? Material culture as a marker of regional and supra-regional interaction in early Iron Age southwest Germany. In H. Dobrzańska, J. V. S. Megaw and P. Poleska (eds.), Celts on the Margin: Studies in European Cultural Interaction 7th c. BC - 1st c. AD. Essay in Honor of Zenon Woźniak. Kraków, 17-26
Atkinson J. A., Banks I. and O'Sullivan J. (eds.) 1996. Nationalism and Archaeology : Scottish Archaeological Forum. Glasgow
Bailey D. W. 2005. Prehistoric Figurines: Representation and Corporeality in the Neolithic. London
Baldia M. O., Staeck J. P. and Šmid M. 2001. Hügelgräberfeld der Trichterbecherkultur in Ludéřov. Pravěk 11, 43-59
Bankoff H. A. and Winter F. A. 1990. The Later Aeneolithic in Southeastern Europe. American Journal of Archaeology 94(2), 175-191
Banks W. E. 1996. Statistical Analysis of Flake and Blade Dorsal Patterns from Kraków-Spadzista Units E and F: A Study of the Organization of Site Space. Folia Quaternaria 67, 63-74
Banks W. E. 2002. Analyse Tracéologique de l'Industrie Lithique Aurignacienne de Solutré, Secteur M12. In J. Combier and A. Montet-White (eds.), Solutré: Les fouilles 1968-1998 (= Société Préhistorique Française. Memoir 30), Paris, 243-246
Barber E. J. W. 1991. Prehistoric Textiles. The Development of Cloth in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages with Special Reference to the Aegean. Princeton
Barnett W. 1990. Small-scale transport of Early Neolithic pottery in the west Mediterranean. Antiquity 64, 859-865
Beck C. W. 1970. Amber in archaeology. Archaeology 23(1), 7-11
Bigelow G. F., Ferrante S. M., Hall S. T., Kimball L. M., Proctor R. E. and Remington S. L. 2005. Researching catastrophic environmental changes on northern coastlines: a geoarchaeological case study from the Shetland Islands. Arctic Anthropology 42(1), 88-102
Binford L. R. and Binford S. 1966. A preliminary analysis of functional variability in the Mousterian of Levallois Facies. American Anthropologist 68, 238-295
Biskowski M. 2003. Supplementary Report on the Sitagroi Groundstone Tools. In E. S. Elster and C. Renfrew (eds.), Prehistoric Sitagroi 2. Los Angeles, 196-203
Blades B. S. 2001. Aurignacian Lithic Economy: Ecological Perspective from Southwestern France. New York
Blake E. 1998. Sardinia's nuraghi: four millennia of becoming. World Archaeology 30(1), 59-71
Bogucki P. 1988. Forest Farmers and Stockherders: Early Agriculture and its Consequences in North-Central Europe. Cambridge
Bogucki P. 2008. The Danubian - Baltic Borderland: Northern Poland in the Fifth Millennium BC. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 40, 51-65
Bogucki P. and Grygiel R. 1993. The first farmers of central Europe: a review article. Journal of Field Archaeology 20(3), 399-426
Bogucki P. and Crabtree P. J. (eds.) 2004. Ancient Europe 8000 B.C. - A. D. 1000. Encyclopedia of the Barbarian World. New York
Bolender D. J., Steinberg J. M. and Durrenberger E. P. 2008. Unsettled Landscapes: Settlement patterns and the development of social inequality in Northern Iceland. In C. Pool and L. Cligget (eds.), Economies and the Transformation of the Landscape. Lanham, 217-238
Bower J. and Kobusiewicz M. 2002. A Comparative Study of Prehistoric Foragers in Europe and North America: Cultural Responses to the End of the Ice Age. Lampeter
Brandt R., Groenewoudt B. J. and Kvamme K. L. 1992. An Experiment in Archaeological Site Location: Modeling in the Netherlands using GIS techniques. World Archaeology 24(2), 268-282
Byock J., Walker P., Erlandson J., Hoick P., Zore D., Gudmundsson M. and Tveskov M. 2005. A Viking Age Valley in Iceland: The Mosfell Archaeology Project. Medieval Archaeology: Journal of the Society for Medieval Archaeology X49, 195-218
Clarke G. 2002. Neandertal archaeology-implications for our origins. American Anthropologist. 104(1), 50-67
Conard, N. J. and Adler D. S., 1997, Lithic Reduction and Hominid Behavior in The Middle Paleolithic of the Rhineland. Journal of Archaeological Research. 53(2), 147-175
Conkey M. 1997. Mobilizing Ideologies: Paleolithic 'Art', Gender Trouble, and Thinking About Alternatives. In L. Hager (ed.), Women in Human Evolution. London, 172-207
Conrad D. S. and Adler D. S. 1997. Lithic Reduction and Hominid Behavior in the Middle Palaeolithic of the Rhineland. Journal of Anthropological Research 53,147-175
Crabtree P. 1996. Production and Consumption in an Early Complex Society: Animal Use in Middle Saxon East Anglia. World Archaeology 28(1), 58-75
Cross I., Zubrow E., and Cowan F. 2002. Musical behaviours and the archaeological record: a preliminary study. In J. Mathieu (ed.), Experimental Archaeology: replicating past objects, be-haviors, and processes (= British Archaeological Reports. International Series 1035). Ox¬ford, 25-34
Crumley C. L. 1987. A dialectical critique of hierarchy. In T. C. Patterson and C. W. Gailey (eds.), Power Relations and State Formation. Washington D.C., 155-159
Crumley C. L., Ehrenreich R. M. and Levy J. E. 1995. Heterarchy and the Analysis of Complex Societies (= Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association 6). Washington
Crumley and J. Tainter C. L. 2007. Climate, Complexity, and Problem Solving in the Roman Empire. In R. Costanza, L. J. Graumlich, and W. Steffen (eds.), Sustainability or Collapse: An Inte¬grated History and Future of People on Earth, Boston, 61-75
Díaz-Andreu M. and Champion T. 1996. Nationalism and Archaeology in Europe. London
Dibble H. L., Raczek T. P. and McPherron S. J. P. 2005. Excavator bias at the site of Pech de l'Azé IV, France. Journal of Field Archaeology 30, 317-328
Dibble H. L. and McPherron S. J. P. 2006. The Missing Mousterian. Current Anthropology 47, 777-803
Dietler M. 1994. "Our Ancestors the Gauls": Archaeology, ethnic nationalism, and the manipulation of Celtic Identity in modern Europe. American Anthropologist 96, 584-605
Dietler M. 1998. A tale of three; sites: the monumentalization of Celtic oppida and the politics of collective memory and identity. World Archaeology 30, 72-89
Dietler M. 2005. Consumption, and Colonial Interaction in the Rhône Basin of France: A Study of Early Iron Age Political Economies (= Monographies dArchéologie Meditéranéenne). Lattes
Dobres M.-A. 1995. Gender in the Making: Late Magdalenian Social relations of Production in the French Midi-Pyrénées. Ann Arbor (University Microfilms)
Earle T. 2002. Bronze Age Economics: The Beginnings of Political Economies. Boulder
Earle T. 2004. Culture Matters in the Neolithic Transition and the Emergence of Hierarchy in Thy, Denmark. American Anthropologist 106, 111-125
Earle T., Bech H., Kristiansen K., Aperlo P., Kelertas K. and Steinberg J. M. 1998. The political economy of late Neolithic and early bronze age society: The Thy archaeological project. Norwegian Archaeological Review 31, 1-28
Ehrich R. (ed.) 1992. Chronologies in Old World Archaeology. Chicago
Ellis L. 1984. The Cucuteni-Tripolye Culture. A study in technology and the origins of complex society (= British Archaeological Reports International Series 217). Oxford
Elster E. S. and Renfrew C. 2003. Prehistoric Sitagroi: Excavations in Northeast Greece, 1968-1970. 2. The Final Report (= Monumenta Archaeologia 20). Los Angeles
Enloe J. 1997. Seasonality and Age Structure in Remains of Rangifer tarandus: Magdalenian Hunting Strategy at Verberie. Anthropozoologica 25-26, 95-102
Fisher L. E. and Knipper C. 2003. Zur Untersuchung steinzeitlicher Landschaften — die Besiedlung und Nutzung der Blaubeurer und Ulmer Alb im Paläolithikum, Mesolithikum und Neolithikum. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte 12, 113-139
Ford R. I. 1986. Appendix G. The archaeobotany of Olszanica, Poland. In S. Milisauskas (ed.), Early Neolithic Settlement and society at Olszanica (= Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology 19). Ann Arbor, 261-265
Galaty M. 1999. Nestor's Wine Cups: Investigating Ceramic Manufacture and Exchange in a Late Bronze Age "Mycenaean" State (= British Archaeological Reports International Series 7 66). Oxford
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Gaul J. H. 1948. The Neolithic Period in Bulgaria: early food producing cultures of Eastern Europe. Boston
Geselowitz M. N. 1988. Technology and social change: ironworking in the rise of social complexity in Iron Age Central Europe. In D. Gibson and M. Geselowitz (eds.), Tribe and Polity in Late Prehistoric Europe. New York, 137-154
Gibson D. B. 2008. Chiefdoms and the emergence of private property in land. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 27(1), 46-62
Gilman A. 2002. Assessing political development in Copper and Bronze Age Southeast Spain. In J. Haas (ed.), From Leaders to Rulers. New York, 89-81
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Glumac P. D. and Todd J. A. 1991. Early metallurgy in southeast Europe: The evidence for production. In P. D. Glumac (ed.), Recent trends in archaeometallurgical research (= MASCA Research Papers in Science and Anthropology 8/1). Philadelphia, 5-19
Graves-Brown P., Jones S. and Gamble C. (eds.) 1996, Cultural Identity and archaeology: the construction of European Communities. London
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Green S. 1990. Sorting Out Settlement in Southeastern Ireland: Landscape Archaeology and Geographic Information Systems. In K. Allen, S. Green and E. Zubrow (eds.), Interpreting Space: GIS and Archaeology (= Applications of Geographic Information Systems). Bristol, 356-363
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