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1. A critical Examination of the text of Shakespeare, with remarks on his language and that of his contemporaries, together with notes on his Plays and poems, ed. with a preface by W. N. Lettsom, vol. 1-3, London 1860.
2. Casimir Britannicus. English Paraphrases and Emulatious of the Poetry of Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski, ed. K. Fordoński and P. Urbański, MHRA Critical Texts, Vol. 11, 2008 - Podstawowy biogram w: Dictionary of National Biography. vol. 20, s. 546-547.
3. M. L. Clarke, Classical Education in Britain 1500-1900, Cambridge University Press 1959, s. 58.
4. T. Kostkiewiczowa, Oda w poezji polskiej. Dzieje gatunku, Wrocław 1996, s. 225-226.
5. K. Lach-Szyrma, Anglia i Szkocja. Przypomnienie z podróży roku 1820-1824 odbytej, przyp. i posł. P Hertz, Warszawa 1981, s. 81 (wyd. I: Warszawa 1828, t. 1-3.).
6. Memoir of Willliam Sidney Walker with selection from his correspondence, w: The Poetical Remains of William Sidney Walker, Formerly Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge, Edited, with a Memoir of the Author, by The Rev. J. Moultrie, M .A . Rector of Rugby, London: John W. Parker and Son, West Strand. Crossley and Billington, Rugby, MDCCCLII [1852].
7. P. Urbański, Theologia fabulosa: Commentationes Sarbievianae, Szczecin 2000, rozdz. 12.
8. J. Starnawski, O Sarbiewskim na łamach "Classical Journal" (1814-1822), w: Nauka z poezji Macieja Kazimierza Sarbiewskiego SJ, red. J. Bolewski, J. Z. Lichański, P. Urbański, Warszawa 1995, s. 211 i 216.
9. J. Starnawski, Ze studiów nad Sarbiewskinm, w: J. Starnawski, W świecie barokowym, Łódź 1992, s. 51.
10. W. S. Walker Gustavus Vasa and Other Poems, London 1813, s. 18.
11. W. S. Walker, Shakespeare's versification and its apparent irregularities explained by examples from early and late English writers, ed. with a preface by W. N. Lettsom, London 1854. ; 1507-4153
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