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Siła dotyku - nowoczesność anachronizmu. O filozofii sztuki Georges`a Didi - Hubermana
This publication is protected by copyright. Access to its digital version is possible on computer terminals in the institution that shares it.
This publication is protected by copyright. Access to its digital version is possible on computer terminals in the institution that shares it.

Title: Siła dotyku - nowoczesność anachronizmu. O filozofii sztuki Georges`a Didi - Hubermana


Vojvodík, Josef

Date issued/created:


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Teksty Drugie Nr 5 (2009)


Marciniak, Hanna : Tł.



Place of publishing:



21 cm ; Tekst pol., streszcz. ang. ; Ilustracja

Type of object:



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Teksty Drugie



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oai:rcin.org.pl:50630 ; 0867-0633


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Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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Library of the Institute of Literary Research PAS

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Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund



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