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Instytut Archeolgoii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
P. 135-137 ; 25 cm ; Bettencourt‑Saint‑Ouen (Somme). Cinq occupations paléolithiques au début de ladernière glaciation
1. Fiedorczuk J., 2006, Final Paleolithic camp organization as seen from the perspective of lithic artifacts refitting, Warszawa
2. Wendorf F., Schild R., 2005, A Middle Stone Age sequence from the Central Rift Valley, Ethiopia, Wrocław 1974; L. Meingnen, Hayonim Cave lithic assemblages in the context of the Near Eastern Middle Paleolithic, [w:] Neandertals and Modern Humans in Western Asia, T. Akazawa, K. Aoki, O. Bar‑Yosef red., New York 1998, s. 165–180; R. Schild, Synthesis, [w:] The killing fields of Zwoleń. A Middle Paleolithic kill‑butchery‑site in central Poland, R. Schild red., Warsaw 2005, s. 225–248; R. Schild, F. Wendorf, Gademotta and Kulkuletti and the ages for the beginning of the Middle Palaeolithic in Africa, „Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society”, t. 35: s. 117–142
3. Sitlivy V., 1996, Le Paléolithique moyen ancien: variabilité technologique, typologique et fonctionelle en Europe, „Préhistoire Européenne”, t. 9: s. 117–155
4. Conard N.J., 1992, Tönchesberg and its position in the Paleolithic of northern Europe, Monographs of Romisch‑Germanischen Zentralmuseum Mainz 20, Bonn
5. Połtowicz M., 2003, L’industrie laminaire du Paleolithique moyen du site Piekary IIA, [w:] Piekary pres de Cracovie (Pologne) complexe des sites Paléolithiques, E. Sachse‑Kozłowska, S. K. Kozłowski red., Cracovie 2004, s. 101–109; H. Vallada s, N. Mercier, C. Escutenaire, T. Kalicki, J. K. Kozłowski, V. Sitlivy, K. Sobczyk, A. Zięba, B. Van Vliet‑Lanoe, The late Middle Paleolithic blade technologies and the transition to the Upper Paleolithic in Southern Poland: TL dating contribution, „Euroasian Prehistory”, t. 1: nr 1, s. 57–82
6. Schild R., op. cit. ; 0003-8180
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 4, 2022
Nov 18, 2014
Edition name | Date |
Schild, Romuald (1936- ), 2008, Archeologia Polski T. 53 (2008) Z. 1, Recenzje | Feb 4, 2022 |
Schild, Romuald (1936– )
Schild, Romuald (1936– ) Królik, Halina Marczak, Maria Mościbrodzka, Jadwiga Hensel, Zdzisław