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Dzieje Najnowsze : [kwartalnik poświęcony historii XX wieku] R. 29 z. 1 (1997)
Madajczyk, Piotr (1959– ) : Transl. ; Rossowska E : Transl. ; Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences ; Pultusk Academy of Humanities
Dzieje Najnowsze : [kwartalnik poświęcony historii XX wieku] ; 0419-8824 ; 0419-8824
IH PAN, sygn. A.507/29/1 Podr. ; IH PAN, sygn. A.508/29/1 ; click here to follow the link
Rights Reserved - Restricted Access
Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of History PAS
Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Sep 22, 2023
Jun 11, 2014
Materski, Wojciech (1944– )