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Wieczorek, Joanna ; Błażejczyk, Krzysztof ; Morita, Takeshi
Geographia Polonica Vol. 86 No. 1 (2013)
1. ARENDT J., 2006. Melatonin and human rhythms. Chronobiology International, vol. 23, no. 1-2, pp. 21-37. -
2. BŁAŻEJCZYK K., 2011, Assessment of regional bioclimatic contrasts in Poland. Miscellanea Geographica, vol. 15, pp. 77-91.
3. BŁAŻEJCZYK K., JENDRITZKY G., BRÖDE P., FIALA D., HAVENITH G., EPSTEIN Y., PSIKUTA A., KAMPMANN B., 2013. An Introduction to the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI). Geographia Polonica, vol. 86, iss. 1, pp. 5-10.
4. BŁAŻEJCZYK K., MORITA T., KANIKOWSKA D., TOKURA H., WIKTOROWICZ K., UENO T., BĄKOWSKA M., 2005. Regional differences in diurnal and seasonal cycles of lighting conditions and melatonin secretion. Annalen der Meteorologie, vol. 41, no. 1, 17th International Congress of Biometeorology ICB 2005, Garmisch-Partenkirchen: Deutscher Wetterdienst, pp. 301-304.
5. BŁAŻEJCZYK K., TOKURA H., BORTKIEWICZ A., SZYMCZAK W., 2000. Solar radiation and thermal physiology in man. [in:] R.J. de Dear, J.D. Kalma, T.R. Oke, A. Auliciems (eds.), Biometeorology and urban climatology at the turn of millennium. Selected papers from the Conference ICB-ICUC’99 (Sydney, 8-12 Nov. 1999), Genewa: World Meteorological Organization, pp. 267-271.
6. BŁAŻEJCZYK K., TWARDOSZ R., 2002, Changes in human heat balance during prolonged outdoors exposition at various weather conditions. [in:] Environmental Ergonomics X, Papers from the 10th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics, Fukuoka, Japan, 23-27 September 2002, Fukuoka: Kyushy Institute of Design, pp. 71-74.
7. BRÖDE P., FIALA D., BŁAŻEJCZYK K., HOLMÉR I., JENDRITZKY G., KAMPMANN B., TINZ B., HAVENITH G., 2012. Deriving the Operational Procedure for the Universal Thermal Climate Index UTCI. International Journal of Biometeorology, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 481-494.
8. BRÖDE P., KRÜGER E. L., FIALA D., 2013, UTCI validation and practical application to the assessment of urban outdoor thermal comfort. Geographia Polonica, vol. 86, iss. 1, pp. 11-20.
9. DE FREITAS C.R., GRIGORIEVA E.A, 2010. Prediction of acclimatization thermal loading for individuals travelling between climatic extremes. [in:] A. Matzarakis, H. Mayer, F.-M. Chmielewski (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Biometeorology, Berichte des Meteorologishen Instituts der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, no. 20, pp. 364-369.
10. KARASEK M., 1997. Melatonina i szyszynka. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 138 pp.
11. MAROSZEK J., MORITA T., BŁAŻEJCZYK K., 2010. Melatonin secretion in various climate zones. [in:] A. Matzarakis, H. Mayer, F.-M. Chmielewski (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Biometeorology, Berichte des Meteorologishen Instituts der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, no. 20, pp. 273-277.
12. MORITA T., KOIKAWA R., ONO K., TERADA Y., HYUN K., TOKURA H., 2002. Influence of the amount of light received during the day and night on the circadian rhythm of melatonin secretion in woman living diurnally. Biological Rhythm Research, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 271-277.
13. MORITA T., TOKURA H., 1998. The influence of different wavelengths of light on human biological rhythms. Applied Human Science, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 91-96.
14. SKWARŁO-SOŃTA K., 2008. Miejsce szyszynki i rola melatoniny w powiązaniach funkcjonalnych między układami: nerwowym, dokrewnym i odpornościowym. [in:] A. Basta-Kaim, M. Kuberta (eds.), Neuroimmunologia. XXV Zimowa Szkoła Instytutu Farmakologii PAN, Kraków: Instytut Farmakologii PAN, pp. 15-26.
15. SKWARŁO-SOŃTA K., PIESIEWICZ A., 2010. Udział szyszynki i melatoniny w funkcjonowaniu zegara biologicznego ssaków. [in:] G. Hess (ed.), Rytmy w ośrodkowym układzie nerwowym. XXVII Zimowa Szkoła Instytutu Farmakologii PAN, Kraków: Instytut Farmakologii PAN, pp. 76-92.
16. ZAWILSKA J., SKENE D., ARENDT J., 2009. Review: Physiology and pharmacology of melatonin in relation to biological rhythms. Pharmacological Reports, vol. 61, pp. 383-410.
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Oct 2, 2020
Jun 4, 2013
Morita, Takeshi Błażejczyk, Krzysztof
Błażejczyk, Krzysztof
Błażejczyk, Krzysztof
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