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Geographia Polonica Vol. 85 No. 2 (2012)
1. BERG B., LUNDMARK J.E., 1987. Decomposition of needle litter in Pinus contorta and Pinus sylvestris monocultures – a comparison. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, vol. 2, iss. 1-4, pp. 3-12. -
2. BLAIR J.M., 1988. Nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus dynamics in decomposing deciduous leaf litter in thes outhern Appalachians. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 693-701. -
3. BLAIR J.M., CROSSLEY D.A. JR., 1988. Litter decomposition, nitrogen dynamics and litter microarthropods in a southern Appalachian hardwood forest 8 years following clearcutting. Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 683-698. -
4. BREYMEYER A., DEGORSKI M., REED D., 1997. Decomposition of pine-litter organic matter and chemical properties of upper soil layers: transect studies. Environmental Pollution, vol. 98, iss. 3, pp. 361-367. -
5. BREYMEYER A., LASKOWSKI R., 1999. Ecosystem process studies along a climatic transect at 52-53°N (12-32°E): pine litter decomposition. Geographia Polonica, vol. 72, no. 2, Papers in Global Change IGBP, no. 6, pp. 45-64.
6. CAMERON G.N., SPENCER S.R., 1989. Rapid leaf decay and nutrient release in a Chinese tallow forest. Oecologia, vol. 80, iss. 2, pp. 222-228.
7. CLEVELAND C.C., REED S.C., TOWNSEND A.R., 2006. Nutrient regulation of organic matter decomposition in a tropical rain forest. Ecology, vol. 87, iss. 2, pp. 492-503. -
8. CORNWELL W.K., CORNELISSEN J.H.C., AMATANGELO K., DORREPAAL E., EVINER V.T., GODOY O., HOBBIE S.E., HOORENS B., KUROKAWA H., PÉREZ-HARGUINDEGUY N., QUESTED H.M., SANTIAGO L.S., WARDLE D.A., WRIGHT I.J., AERTS R., ALLISON S.D., VAN BODEGOM P., BROVKIN V., CHATAIN A., CALLAGHAN T.V., DIAZ S., GARNIER E., GURVICH D.E., KAZAKOU E., KLEIN J.A., READ J., REICH P.B., SOUDZILOVSKAIA N.A., VAIERETTI M.V., WESTOBY M., 2008. Plant species traits are the predominant control on litter decomposition rates within biomes worldwide. Ecology Letters, vol. 11, iss. 10, pp. 1065-1071.
9. COÛTEAUX M.M., SARMIENTO L., BOTTNER P., ACEVEDO D., THIÉRY J.M., 2002. Decomposition of standard plant material along an altitudinal transect (65-3968 m) in the tropical Andes. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, vol. 34, iss. 1, pp. 69-78. -
10. DZIADOWIEC H., 1987. The decomposition of plant litter fall in an oak-linden-hornbeam forest and an oakpine mixed forest of the Białowieża National Park. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 169-185.
11. GALLARDO A., MERINO J., 1993. Leaf decomposition in two Mediterranean ecosystems of southwest Spain: influence of substrate quality. Ecology, vol. 74, no. 1, pp. 152-161. -
12. HOBBIE S.E., VITOUSEK P.M., 2000. Nutrient limitation of decomposition in Hawaiian forests. Ecology, vol. 81, iss. 7, pp. 1867-1877.[1867:NLODIH]2.0.CO;2 -
13. KANG H., BERG B., LIU C., WESTMAN C.J., 2009. Variation in mass-loss rate of foliar litter in relation to climate and litter quality in Eurasian forests: differences among functional groups of litter. Silva Fennica, vol. 43, iss. 4, pp. 549-575.
14. KANG H., XIN Z., BERG B., BURGESS P.J., LIU Q., LIU Z., LI Z., LIU C., 2010. Global pattern of leaf litter nitrogen and phosphorus in woody plants. Annals of Forest Science, vol. 67, iss. 8, p. 811. -
15. KURZ-BESSON C., COÛTEAUX M.M., BERG B., REMACLE J., RIBEIRO C., ROMANYÀ J., THIÉRY J.M., 2006. A climate response function explaining most of the variation of the forest floor needle mass and the needle decomposition in pine forests across Europe. Plant and Soil, vol. 285, pp. 97-114. -
16. LIU C., BERG B., KUTSCH W., WESTMAN C.J., ILVESNIEMI H., SHEN X., SHEN G., CHEN X., 2006. Leaf litter nitrogen concentration as related to climatic factors in Eurasian forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography, vol. 15, iss. 5, pp. 438-444. -
17. MEENTEMEYER V., 1978. Macroclimate and lignin control of litter decomposition rates. Ecology, vol. 59, iss. 3, pp. 465-472. -
18. MEENTEMEYER V., 1984. The geography of organic decomposition rates. Annals of the Association of American Geo graphers, vol. 74, no. 4, pp. 551-560.
19. WHITMORE T.C., 1998. An introduction to tropical rain forests. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 296 pp.
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Prawa zastrzeżone - dostęp nieograniczony
Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Program Operacyjny Innowacyjna Gospodarka, lata 2010-2014, Priorytet 2. Infrastruktura strefy B + R ; Unia Europejska. Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
Oct 2, 2020
May 24, 2013
Edition name | Date |
Laskowski R. - What determines forest litter decomposition? Global trends and local variance | Oct 2, 2020 |
Bröde, Peter Krüger, Eduardo L. Fiala, Dusan
Błocka, Aleksandra
Laskowski, Ryszard
Voloshchuk, Roman (1982– )
Zaremba, Arleta
Szczepańska, Agnieszka Anna.