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Sprawozdania Archeologiczne Vol. 59 (2007) ; Sprawozdania Archeologiczne Vol. 59 (2007), Reviews
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii Kultury Materialnej ; Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Landscapes under Pressure : Theory and Practice of Cultural Heritage Research and Preservation, Ludomir R. Łoźny (ed.), New York 2006, 259 pp., 60 figures in text ; Landscapes under Pressure : Theory and Practice of Cultural Heritage Research and Preservation, Ludomir R. Łoźny (red.), New York 2006, 259 ss., 60 rycin w tekście ; P. 575-590 ; 25 cm ; Bibliography p. 581-582 ; Text paralel in English and Polish
1. Aldenderfer M. and Maschner H. D.G. 1996. Anthropology, Space, and Geographic Information Systems.Oxford
2. Barei Ch. J. a n d Porter J. W. 1993. American Bottom Arch: A Summary of the FAI-270 Project Contribution of the Culture History of the Mississippi River Valley (American Bottom Archaeology). Urbana - Chicago
3. French Ch. 2003 . Geoarchaeology in Action: Studies in Soil Micromorphology, and Landscape Evaluation. London
4. Hall E. T. 1997. Wiedza o Kulturze: Antropologia Kultury, Zagadnienia i Wybór Tekstów, (ed.) A. Mencwel. Warszawa
5. Johnson Th. M. and Sargent C. F. 1990 . Medical Anthropology : Contemporary Theory and Method. New York
6. King Th. F. 1998 . Cultural Resource: Laws and Practice, and Introductory Guide. New York
7. King Th. F. 2000 . Federal Planning and Historic Places. New York
8. Milanich J. T. 1995. Florida Indians and the Invasion from Europe. Gainesville
9. Roskams S. 2001. Cambridge Manuals in Archaeology: Excavations. Cambridge
10. U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration:, internet
11. U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service:, internet
12. Walthall J. A. 1998. Prehistoric Indians of the Southeast: Excavations. Cambridge
13. Wheatley D. and Gillings M. 2002. Spatial Technology and Archaeology: The Archaeological Applications of GIS. London-New York
14. Waldman C. 1985. Atlas of North American Indian. Oxford ; 0081-3834
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Feb 2, 2022
Jun 4, 2013
Edition name | Date |
Paris, Antoni. Rec., 2007, Sprawozdania Archeologiczne T. 59 (2007), Reviews | Feb 2, 2022 |
Dzbyński, Aleksander (1972– )
Czerwińska, Kinga