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Acta Poloniae Historica. T. 101 (2010)
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Sep 22, 2023
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Edition name | Date |
Dąbrówka, Andrzej, Religious Content in Medieval School Handbooks and Readers | Sep 22, 2023 |
Węcowski, Piotr (1972– ) Dąbrówka, Andrzej (1949– ) Banaszkiewicz, Jacek (1947– )
Węcowski, Piotr (1972– ) Dąbrówka, Andrzej (1949– ) Banaszkiewicz, Jacek (1947– )
Wiesiołowski, Jacek (1940–2016)
Dąbrówka, Andrzej (1949– )
Landau-Czajka, Anna
Dalewski, Zbigniew (1962– )
Bartoszewicz, Agnieszka (1966– )
Alaeddini, Maryam López-Carr, David