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Teksty Drugie: Humanistyka indygeniczna
Od 2002, nr 1/2 wyd.: Stowarzyszenie "Pro Cultura Litteraria" ; W dodatkowej numeracji ciągłej nr 54 dwukrotnie = 6 (1998) I 1 (1999) i brak 72 ; 21 cm ; Tekst pol., streszcz. ang.
1. B. Andrew, Telling Our Own Stories. Peter Minter Talks to Artist Brook Andrew, “Meanjin”2006, t. 65, nr 1, s. 141-147, https://meanjin.com.au/essays/telling-our-own-stories/
2. Blak Times, red. P. Minter, “Meanjin” 2006, t. 65, nr 1.
3. J. Binney, Maori Oral Narratives, Pakeha Written Texts: Two Forms of Telling History, “NZ Journal of History” 1987, t. 1, nr 21, s. 14-28.
4. J. Davis, B. Hodge, Aboriginal Writing Today: Papers from the First National Conference of Aboriginal Writers Held in 1983, red. J. Davis, B. Hodge, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra 1985.
5. A. Heiss, I’M Not Racist, but… A Collection of Social Observations, SALT Publishing, Cambridge 2007.
6. A. Heiss, Writing about Indigenous Australia – Some Issues to Consider and Protocols to Follow: A Discussion Paper, “Southerly” 2002, t. 62, nr 2, s. 197-207.
7. A. Heiss, A. P. Minter Macquarie PEN Anthology of Aboriginal Literature, Allen & Unwin, Australia 2008, s. 1-8.
8. A. Heiss, Cebrating the New Australian Literature, https://www.austlit.edu.au/austlit/static/new/files/newsitefiles/Heiss_Celebrating-the-New-Australian-Literature.pdf (4.10.2024).
9. A. Heiss, Indigenous Book Publishing,http://macquariepenanthology.com.au/files/CriticalReadingIndigenousBook.pdf (4.10.2024).
10. E C. Johnson, White Forms, Aboriginal Content, w: Aboriginal Writing Today. Papers from the First National Conference of Aboriginal Writers, red. J. Davis, B. Hodge, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra 1985, s. 21-33.
11. L. Fogarty, New and Selected Poems: Munaldjali, Mutuerjaraera, Hyland House, Victoria 1995.
12. R. Knudsen, The Circle & the Spiral: A Study of Australian Aboriginal and New Zealand Maori Literature. Rodopi, Amsterdam-New York 2004.
13. J. Little, Talking with Ruby Langford Ginibi, “Hecate” 1994, t. 20, nr 1, s. 110-121.
14. G. R. Langford, Don’t Take your Love to Town, QUP, Queensland 1988.
15. Musgrave Park: Lionel Fogarty Talks to Philip Mead, “RePublica” 1995, nr 3, s. 119–131
16. N. Mudrooroo, Writing from the Fringe: A Study of Modern Aboriginal Literature, Hyland House, Victoria 1990.
17. M. Narogin, The Indigenous Literature of Australia. Milli Milli Wangka, Hyland House, Melbourne 1997.
18. O. Noonuccal, My People, Jacaranda Press, Queensland 1999.
19. T. Podemska-Abt, Spaces of Literary Wor(l)ds and Reality: Interpretation and Reception of Aboriginal Literature, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, Zielona Góra 2016.
20. J. Robertson, Aboriginal Literary Production: The Differential Between Discourses, MA Thesis, University of Queensland 1994.
21. A. Shoemaker, Black Words, White Page, QUP, St. Lucia 1989.
22. D. Walker, B. McGuinness The Politics of Aboriginal Literature, w: Aboriginal Writing Today: Papers from the First National Conference of Aboriginal Writers, red. J. Davis, B. Hodge, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra 1985, s. 43-54.
23. A. C. Watego, Critical Issue in/for Black Australian Writing, University of Queensland 2008.
24. A. C. Watego, Identity and politics in Contemporary Aboriginal Literature, MA Thesis, University of Queensland 1986.
25. S. Watson, The Kadaitcha Song, Penguin Books, Australia 1990.
26. H. Webb, Doin’ the Postcolonial Story? Neidjie, Narogin and the Aboriginal Narrative Intervention, “Span” 1991, t. 32, nr 1, s. 147–161.
27. H. Wharton, Unbranded, University of Queensland Press, Queensland 1992.
28. A. Wright, Carpentaria, Giramondo, Sydney 2007.
29. A. Wright, Politics of Writing, “Southerly” 2002, t. 62, nr 2, s. 10-20.
30. A. Wright, Weapon of Poetry, “Overland” 2008, nr 193, s. 19-24.
31. A. Wright, S. Moss, Dream Warrior, “The Guardian” 2009, http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2008/apr/15/fiction.australia (20.05.2020).
32. Writing: Protocols for Producing Indigenous Australian Writing, 2nd edition. Australia Council for the Arts, Sydney 2007.
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