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Title: Sugar Oligopoly in Poland: Factors of Transition and Functioning


Szajner, Piotr ORCID ; Hryszko, Krzysztof ORCID

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Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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Since sugar is the basic sweetener in food production and households, the sugar industry is considered a strategic one within the Polish agri-food sector. The sugar industry is a classic example of oligopoly, with four holdings producing a homogeneous product, which is chemically pure sucrose. Oligopoly is a form of imperfect market competition, with a theoretical background extensively described in literature. Structural and ownership transformation of the sugar industry began in 1994 on the basis of statutory regulations. Foreign direct investments of transnational holdings have substantially influenced the structure of the industry, as their market share reached approx. 60%. The market regulation system in the EU determined the conditions of competition and the economic strategy of sugar companies. The production capacity of the industry significantly exceeds the demand of the domestic market and therefore exports account for a large share of domestic output (ca. 30% of revenue on sales). In consequence the domestic market is strongly linked with the EU and world markets. Since the sugar industry is able to generate financial surpluses and promising economic indicators on a regular basis the transformation of the sugar industry can be considered successfully concluded. Over the period of 2009–2022, net profit varied between PLN 0.2 and 1.7 billion, with variability reflecting changes in the world market fundamentals and to a much lesser extent internal market conditions, namely changes in production level and stable demand.


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