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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Toward a Conceptual Framework of Social Justice in Ukrainian Rural Space


Borodina, Olena ORCID

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Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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The presented article considers issues of social justice and spatial justice, recalls the origins and discusses the dialectics of these concepts and their role in shaping regional and rural development policies. It is specified that a community shows spatial justice when all its elements respect the rights of individual members. Rural development based on social and spatial justice should involve respect for basic human rights, and promote inclusive rural development aimed at reducing the results of neoliberal transformations: economic inequality and social polarization. Based on the peculiarities of Ukrainian local self-governance reform, an attempt was made to identify areas of (in)justice formation in order to develop mechanisms for equalising local development processes.


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Wieś i Rolnictwo


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oai:rcin.org.pl:243753 ; doi:10.53098/wir042022/02 ; 0137-1673 (print); 2657-5213 (on-line)


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Copyright-protected material. [CC BY 4.0] May be used within the scope specified in Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license, full text available at:

Digitizing institution:

Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Original in:

Library of the Institute of Rural and Agriculture Development of the PAS

Projects co-financed by:

"Development of scientific journals" program - Ministry of Science and Higher Education (project number RCN/SP/0473/2021/1)



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Mar 11, 2025

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Jan 20, 2025

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