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Instytut Historii Nauki im. Ludwika i Aleksandra Birkenmajerów Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The activity of children’s nests in the eastern part of the Warsaw district was associated with the displacement of Polish children from the Zamość region by the Germans in the winter between the end of 1942 and beginning of 1943. Many of them were separated from their mothers (parents) during racial selection in the transit camp in Zamość and deported, in six transports to three poviats of the district: Garwolin, Siedlce and Mińsk Mazowiecki. After being placed in “foster families” in this area, there was a need to provide the displaced children with care during the day, in the absence of their working caregivers (including mothers), or in the absence of proper care and entertainment. Local agencies of the Main Welfare Council came to the rescue by organizing six children’s nests in: Żelechów, Łaskarzew-Osada, Parysów, Stoczek Łukowski, Mordy and Łosice. Their aim was not only to manage their free time in the absence of working caregivers, in various forms, e.g. fun, education, etc., but also to improve their health, also by feeding displaced children. This was possible thanks to many months of financial and material support from the “Care Clubs” for displaced children, established by employees of institutions and enterprises from Warsaw. The mood of fun and joy during kindergarten classes meant that children from the Zamość region could, at least for a short time, forget about the difficult reality of the occupation and oft en forget about separation from their loved ones. After the liberation of these areas in the summer of 1944, the children’s nests were most likely liquidated and the displaced children left for their hometowns.
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Instytut Historii Nauki im. Ludwika i Aleksandra Birkenmajerów PAN
Biblioteka Instytutu Historii Nauki PAN
Jan 10, 2025
Jan 10, 2025
Szupryczyński, Jan (1934– )
Osiński, Jakub
Koprowska, Karolina
Gołuński, Mirosław
Long, Jonathan
Radonić, Ljiljana