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Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The subject of analysis is the process of entering the labour market, considered in relation to the rural youth in selected post-communist countries (Poland, Romania, Russia, China and Vietnam). The empirical basis are different types of existing data (scientific monographs, papers, national and international reports, official statistics) collected in an international project funded by the National Science Centre, Poland. Transition from education to satisfactory employment which, at present times, takes almost the whole third decade of young people’s lives, is only an external indication of transformations in the labour markets all over the world. In the analysed group of the countries, Poland is the only case where both using new educational offers and positive valuation of living in the countryside occur to the extent unobserved in other countries; nevertheless, Polish young people also see their life opportunities in the cities where they compete for employment. Rural youth in all the analyzed countries usually represents the type of chaotic careers, situating it in segments of informal work, temporary or self-employment.
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Catrina S. (2015). Lines of division and threats of social cohesion – towards the question on the role of youth in transition processes and social changes. Materials (pptx presentation) from the international seminar organised within NCN project in May 2015 in Sopot.
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Ilieva-Trichkova P., Boyadjieva P. (2014). Dynamics of inequalities in access to higher education: Bulgaria in a comparative perspective. European Journal of Higher Education, 4 (2), 97–117.
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Mukhanova M.N. (2014). Rural youth in Russia: Their status and prospects for development. Eastern European Countryside, 1, 125–150.
Nguyen An Ha. (2015). Youth participation in the adulthood, materials gathered for the purposes of the seminar within the frameworks of project Młodzież w krajach postkomunistycznych. May 2015: Sopot.
Nurzyńska I. (2016). Polska wieś i rolnictwo jako beneficjenci funduszy Unii Europejskiej. In: J. Wilkin, I. Nurzyńska (eds), Polska wieś 2016. Raport o stanie wsi. Warszawa: FDPA.
Survey assessment of Vietnamese youth 2: SAVY 2. 2010. Hanoi: General Office of Population and Family Planning.
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Tudor M.M. (2014). Romanian rural youth – socio-economic resilience factor. Materials (pptx presentation) from the international scientific conference: Młodzież w gospodarstwach rodzinnych i na obszarach wiejskich Europy, organised on 4–5 July 2014 by the University of Agriculture in Kraków.
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Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Rural and Agriculture Development of the PAS
Mar 13, 2025
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Grzeszczyk, Tadeusz
Gawryszewski, Andrzej (1939– )
Ettinger, Janina
Kołodziejczak, Włodzimierz Wysocki, Feliks
Ciołek, Dorota
Piróg, Danuta
Gawryszewski, Andrzej (1939– )