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Title: Kilka uwag o srebrnym pierścieniu z inskrypcją z Tumu pod Łęczycą


Sosnowski, Miłosz

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Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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ill. ; 23 cm

Type of object:



The article attempts a re-interpretation of the inscription on a silver Romanesque ring (“Tot vivas felix, quot vivit tempora fenix”), excavated at the stronghold in Tum near Łęczyca in 2009. Previous interpretations highlighted the purportedly Christological overtones of the short text, and its uniqueness among ring inscriptions. Conversely, the author of this article points to its close analogies in medieval writings, both in form and content, especially to salutation formulas in the period preceding the hypothetical dating of the ring (i.e. in or before 11th–12th c.), but also in the later Middle Ages. These analogies enable the author to discuss not only the conjectured meaning of the inscription on the ring, but also its intended function and the intellectual milieu of the person who commissioned it.


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