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Title: Unusual transformations of sickle-shaped knives made of Ożarów flint


Budziszewski, Janusz ; Pyżewicz, Katarzyna

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Archaeological Reports ; Archäologische Berichte


Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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ill. ; 25 cm

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Three raw materials played the greatest role in the flintworking of the Samborzec group of the Mierzanowice culture. Chocolate flints were used to make small arrowheads, banded flints were used to make bifacial axe blades, sickleshaped knives were made from Ożarów flint. The latter were systematically transformed during their use, changing their shape and size. When the blade reached a length of about 11 cm, it could not be shortened any further. However, it was then also not possible to convert the specimen into some other core tool. For this reason, the conversion of sickle knives into other tools was something of an exception. Among the materials from the Małopolska Upland are only two flat bifacial axes made from fragments of damaged sickle-shaped knives from the Ożarów flint. These will be analysed in detail. The creation of these tools was possible due to unusual damage to the sickle-shaped knife (Samborzec) or was due to difficulties in obtaining good quality flint (Majkowice).


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