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Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The development of the enterprise should happen the basic direction of the rural areas development. They economic objects functioning on these terrains fulfill essential functions, and namely assure the additional earnings of the country population, create the new place of the work and reduce unemployment, activate the local population and contribute to the improvement of the conditions of the life conditions in the country. The development of the non-agriculture activity is a very good solution for the population living on country areas, and especially looking for additional earnings having to make up low earnings from the agricultural activity for agricultural farms. The investigations were conducted on the terrain of the country areas of the chosen communes of Lower Silesia among businessmen and the powers of communes relating to the development of the enterprise. The analysis of the condition of the enterprise was the aim of investigations on these terrains. Investigations also allowed to the qualification of barriers and the limitations of the development of the enterprise in populaces, the opinion of the part of local powers in the support the enterprise and examining the influence of the enterprise on activity and the development of rural areas.
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Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Rural and Agriculture Development of the PAS
Mar 6, 2025
Jul 5, 2024
Edition name | Date |
Stan przedsiębiorczości na obszarach wiejskich Dolnego Śląska | Mar 6, 2025 |
Rokita-Poskart, Diana
Szmytkie, Robert Tomczak, Przemysław
Wojewódzka-Wiewiórska, Agnieszka
Kopacz-Wyrwał, Iwona
Czapiewski, Konrad Ł. Hruška, Vladan
Hupková, Martina
Napierała, Tomasz