RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: New data on rare, protected and newly found spiders (Araneae)in the fauna of Poland


New data on some spiders (Araneae) in the fauna of Poland ; Nowe dane o rzadkich, chronionych oraz nowo stwierdzonych gatunkach pająków (Araneae) w faunie Polski


Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Place of publishing:



24 cm

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This study includes 70 new records for 22 rare species in Poland. Two species are new to Poland (Macaroeris nidicolens, Segestria bavarica) and another three are protected (Atypus affinis, Philaeus chrysops, Yllenus arenarius). Another locality of Uloborus walckenaerius was detected, which is the second site of occurence for Poland (the first in a synanthropic environment). The work provides new data showing that climate change is influencing the spread of southern European species. It has also been shown that anthropogenic activities and technical procedures (consisting of power line maintenance) may have a beneficial effect on the preservation of suitable habitats and the rare species of spiders living there. The obtained results complement the data on the distribution of rare species. For some rapidly spreading species, literature data are incomplete and out of date. This work will partially fill these gaps.


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FRAGMENTA FAUNISTICA 66 (2): 63–86, 2023





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