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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Europeanisation, westernisation or globalisation of the book market in Poland? Evidence from translation flows in Poland (1980-2022) .


Geographia Polonica Vol. 97 No. 2 (2024)



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24 cm


The article provides evidence for the opening of Polish culture in the last four decades, focusing on incoming translation flows, i.e., the books translated from foreign languages to Polish. It answers the question of whether the circulation of cultural goods has followed the same pattern as the economy, i.e., a shift towards Western European influences. It shows, with quantitative data completed with qualitative data, that the Polish culture has opened up to Western culture but also to an increasingly global culture. The article explains the differences between both databases used for the research. The evidence further demonstrates that the sociology of translation influences the geography of translation flows.


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