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Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im. Marcelego Nenckiego PAN
Szeląg, Elżbieta : Supervisor ; Bednarek, Hanna : Supervisor
Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im. Marcelego Nenckiego PAN
292 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm ; Affiliation of the second supervisor: Uniwersytet SWPS ; Bibliography ; Summary in English
Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS ; degree obtained: 23.02.2024
High developed and developing countries are witnessing a significant increase in the percentage of elderly people, due to the progress of civilization, improvements in quality of life, and healthcare. Human aging is a complex and inevitable process of biological, psychological, and functional changes that occur over time. One aspect of this is cognitive aging, which leads to the deterioration of cognitive functions as one gets older. Hence, there is a growing demand for strategies and interventions aimed at improving the seniors life quality and supporting their cognitive abilities. Results from existing research indicate that appropriately structured cognitive training can be an effective method for enhancing cognitive abilities in the elderly, potentially delaying cognitive aging processes. The objective of present study was to assess the effectiveness of the Dr. Neuronowski® as a method designed to enhance the cognitive functions of seniors. This training program focuses on improving time perception, which also deteriorates with advanced age. The study examined whether Dr. Neuronowski® could enhance various cognitive domains such as: temporal information processing, memory, attention, and executive functions and whether there are parallel changes in the neural network 69 healthy seniors participated in this study and were randomly divided into 3 groups: A - the experimental group that participated in the Dr. Neuronowski® cognitive training (n=25); B - the active control group that underwent educational training (n=21); and C - the nonactive control group that did not participate in any training (n=23). Groups A and B underwent 24 training sessions, each session lasting 45 minutes, with a frequency of 3 meetings per week. The study design included three diagnostic measures: a pretest (before training), a posttest (immediately after the training completion to assess the effects directly), and a follow-up assessment (approximately 8 weeks after the training completion in order to evaluate maintenance of obtained effects). The use of an nonactive control group C aimed to control the repeated measure effect in the diagnostic procedures. Cognitive functions were examined using a number of neuropsychological tests. Additionally, electrophysiological procedures were used to understand the underlying neural mechanisms of the changes observed after the training. It was found that cognitive training improved time perception, short-term verbal and spatial memory, planning ability, and inhibitory control among the seniors. These behavioral changes were accompanied by changes at the electrophysiological level. A decrease in the amplitudes of mismatch negativity potential and a mental workload index was observed, indicating improvements in neural network efficiency. The behavioral outcomes were stable over time and persisted for two months after the training completion. In conclusion, the observed changes suggest that the Dr. Neuronowski® training program, based on its unique time perception component, can be an effective method for enhancing the cognitive functions of seniors.
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Publication made available with the written permission of the author
Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS
Dec 13, 2024
Feb 27, 2024
Litwinowicz-Droździel, Małgorzata
Ryszewska, Katarzyna
Łuksza, Agata (1983– )
Litwinowicz-Droździel, Małgorzata
Wierciński, Mateusz
Fiołek, Krzysztof