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Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Frisians. 2017. Frisians and their North Sea Neighbours: From the Fifth Century to the Viking Age, red. J. Hines, N. IJssennagger, Woodbridge.
Hines John. 2017. The Anglo-Frisian Question, [w:] Frisians and their North Sea Neighbours: From the Fifth Century to the Viking Age, red. J. Hines, N. IJssennagger, Woodbridge, s. 25–42.
Loveluck Chris, Tys Dries. 2006. Coastal societies, exchange and identity along the Channel and southern North Sea shores of Europe, AD 600–1000, „Journal of Maritime Archaeology”, 1 (2), s. 140–169.
Loveluck Christopher. 2013. Northwest Europe in the Early Middle Ages, c. AD 600–1150. A Comparative Archaeology, Cambridge–New York.
Springer Matthias. 2003. Location in space and time, [w:] The Continental Saxons from the Migration Period to the Tenth Century: An Ethnographic Perspective, red. D.H. Green, F. Siegmund, Studies in Historical Archaeoethnology, 6, Woodbridge, s. 11–36.
Udolph Jürgen. 2006. England und der Kontinent: Ortsnamenparallelen (Ein Situationsbericht)¸[w:] Language and Text: Current Perspectives on English and Germanic Historical Linguistics and Philology, red. A.J. Johnston, F. Von Mengden, S. Thim, Heidelberg, s. 317–343.
Ulriksen Jens. 2010. A comment on: Water transport — specialized landing places in the coastal areas of northwestern Germany in the first millennium A.D. (J. Scheschkewitz), [w:] Trade and Communication Networks of the First Millennium AD in the northern part of Central Europe: Central Places, Beach Markets, Landing Places and Trading Centres, red. B. Ludowici i in., Neue Studien zur Sachsenforschung, 1, Hannover, s. 309–314.
Vaan Michiel de. 2017. The Dawn of Dutch. Language contact in the Western Low Countries before 1200, Amsterdam–Philadelphia.
Versloot Arjen, Adamczyk Elżbieta. 2017. The Geography and Dialects of Old Saxon: River-basin communication networks and the distributional patterns of North Sea Germanic features in Old Saxon, [w:] Frisians and their North Sea Neighbours: From the Fifth Century to the Viking Age, red. J. Hines, N. Ijssennagger, Woodbridge, s. 125–148.
Versloot Arjen P. 2014. The Runic Frisian vowel system. The earliest history of Frisian and Proto-Insular North Frisian, „Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik”, 72, s. 35–62.
Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej
oai:rcin.org.pl:239394 ; 0023-5881 ; e-ISSN 2719-6496 ; doi:10.23858/KHKM71.2023.1
IAiE PAN, sygn. P 329 ; IAiE PAN, sygn. P 330 ; IAiE PAN, sygn. P 331 ; kliknij tutaj, żeby przejść
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Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Biblioteka Instytutu Archeologii i Etnologii PAN
26 wrz 2023
26 wrz 2023
Brzozowska, Magdalena Tomaszek, Michał (1972– ) Szejgiec, Karol Polek, Krzysztof Figurski, Paweł (1987– ) Pauk, Marcin Rafał Dobosz, Józef (1959– ) Rutkowski, Rafał (1986– ) Jusupović, Adrian Anioł, Maria Supruniuk, Anna (1962– ) Sroka, Stanisław Andrzej (1966– ) Królikowska-Jedlińska, Natalia
Polek, Krzysztof Okniński, Piotr (1989– ) Kuc-Czerep, Marta Stemplowski, Ryszard (1939– ) Cieśla, Maria Bogucka, Maria (1929–2020) Wroniszewski, Łukasz Kizik, Edmund (1960– ) Bobiatyński, Konrad (1977– ) Dybaś, Bogusław (1958– ) Šapoka, Mindaugas
Polek, Krzysztof Sochacki, Jarosław Dygo, Marian (1951– ) Konarska-Zimnicka, Sylwia Zaremska, Hanna (1948– ) Dobrowolski, Paweł T. (1954– ) Dukwicz, Dorota Karolczak, Kazimierz (1954– ) Mudryj, Marian Mazur, Wojciech (1963– ) Rutkowski, Tadeusz Paweł (1965– ) Pudłocki, Tomasz (1981– ) Koko, Eugeniusz (1952– )