RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Rozwój fikcjonalności.


Gallagher, Catherine ; Górski, Tomasz P. : Tł. ORCID

Date issued/created:


Resource type:



Pamiętnik Literacki: Z. 2 (2023)


Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Place of publishing:



Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury ; Streszcz. ang.


1. Anderson, Benedict, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism (NY: Verso 1991).
2. Bal, Mieke, Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative, trans. Christine Van Boheemen [2nd edn.] (University of Toronto Press 1997).
3. Banfield, Ann,Unspeakable Sentences: Narration and Representation in the Language of Fiction (Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1982).
4. Barthes, Roland, S/Z: An Essay, trans. Richard Miller (NY: Hill & Wang 1982).
5. Barthes, Roland,‘Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narratives’, in Image-Music-Text (NY: Hill & Wang 1977).
6. Cohn, Dorris, ‘Signposts of Fictionality-a Narratological Perspective’, in Poetics Today 11: 4 (1990), pp.775-804. DOI
7. Cohn, Dorris, The Distinction of Fiction (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 1999). DOI
8. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, Coleridge’s Shakespeare Criticism, Vol. 1, ed. Thomas Middleton Rayson. (London: Constable 1960).
9. Davis, Lennard J., Factual Fictions: The Origins of the English Novel (Columbia University Press 1983).
10. Defoe, Daniel, Serious Reflections during the Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Vol. 3 of The Works of Daniel Defoe, ed. G. H. Maynadier [16 vols.] (NY: Thomas Y. Crowell 1903).
11. Derrida, Jacques, ‘Signature Event Context,’ in Margins of Philosophy (University of Chicago Press 1982).
12. Dolozel, Lobomirm ‘Mimesis and Possible Worlds’, in Poetics Today 9: 3 (1988), pp.475-96. DOI
13. Else, Gerald, Aristotle’s Poetics: The Argument (Harvard University Press 1967). DOI
14. Fielding, Henry, Joseph Andrews, ed. Martin C. Battestin (Conn.: Wesleyan University Press 1967).
15. Frow, John, ‘Spectacle Binding: On Character’, in Poetics Today 7: 2 (1986), pp. 227-50. DOI
16. Gallagher, Catherine, Nobody’s Story; The Vanishing Acts of Women Writers in the Marketplace, 1760-1820 (Berkeley: University of California Press 1994). DOI
17. Genette, Gerard, “The Pragmatic Status of Narrative Fiction.’ Style 24 (1990) pp.59-72.
18. Grivel, Charles, Production de l’intérêt romanesque: Un état du texte: Un état du texte (1870-1880), un essai de constitution de sa théorie (Paris: Mouton 1973).
19. Hamburger, Kate, The Logic of Literature, trans. Marilynn Rose (University of Indiana Press 1973).
20. Hobbes, Thomas, Leviathan, abridged & ed., with an introduction by Francis B. Randall (NY: Washington Square Press 1964).
21. Hunter, Ian, “Reading Character.’ Southern Review 16 (July 1983) [q.pp.]
22. Johnson, Samuel, The Rambler (October 13 1750), pp.318-19.
23. Lynch, Deidre Shauna, The Economy of Character: Novels, Market Culture, and the Business of Inner Meaning (University of Chicago Press 1998).
24. Martinez-Bonati, Felix, “The Act of Writing Fiction’, in New Literary History 11 (1980), pp.425-34. DOI
25. Martinez-Bonati, Felix, Fictive Discourse and the Structures of Literature: A Phenomenological Approach, trans. Philip W. Silver (Cornell University Press 1981).
26. McCormick, Peter J., Fictions, Philosophies, and the Problems of Poetics (Cornell University Press 1988).
27. McKeon, Michael, The Origins of the English Novel, 1600-1740 (Johns Hopkins University Press 2002). DOI
28. Miller, D. A., The Novel and the Police (Berkeley: University of California Press 1988).
29. Morgan, Fidelis, A Woman of No Character: An Autobiography of Mrs. Manley (London: Faber & Faber 1986).
30. Newsom, Robert, A Likely Story: Probability and Play in Fiction (Rutgers University Press 1994).
31. Nicole, Eugene, “L’onomastique litteraire’, in Poetique 54 (1983) pp.233-53.
32. Nietzsche, Friedrich, The Birth of Tragedy, trans. Francis Golfing (N.Y.: Doubleday 1956).
33. Pavel, Thomas, Fictional Worlds (Harvard University Press 1986).
34. Ronen, Ruth, “Completing the Incompleteness of Fictional Entities’, in Poetics Today 9:3 (1988), pp.497-514. DOI
35. Rorty, Richard, “Is There a Problem about Fictional Discourse?", in Funktionen des Fiktiven (Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag 1983).
36. Ryle, Gilbert, “Imaginary Objects." Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Vol. 12 (1933), pp.18-43. DOI
37. Schmidt, Siegfried J, “Beyond Reality and Fiction?", in Fiction Updated: Theories of Fictionality, Narratology, and Poetics, ed. C. A. Mihailescu & W. Hamarneh (University of Toronto Press 1996).
38. Searle, John R., Expression and Meaning: Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts (Cambridge University Press 1979). DOI
39. Sidney, Sir Philip, “The Defense of Poesy’, in The Prose Works of Sir Philip Sidney (Cambridge University Press 1962).
40. Taylor, John Tinnon, Early Opposition to the English Novel: The Popular Reaction from 1760 to 1830 (NY: King’s Crown Press 1943). DOI
41. Watt, Ian, The Rise of the Novel (University of California Press 1971).
42. Wollsterstorff, Nicholas, Works and Worlds of Art (Oxford: Clarendon Press 1980).



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Gallagher C. - Rozwój fikcjonalności. Jul 13, 2023


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