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Dzieje Najnowsze : [kwartalnik poświęcony historii XX wieku], R. 54 z. 4 (2022), Studia i artykuły
Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla
Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences
The Third Anglo-Afghan War broke out in early May 1919. Even though this conflict has received few studies, any publication mentioning it still focuses attention on the use of airpower by the British and the decisive role of the air force. It has produced the stereotype that this conflict was determined by the air force, which still needs to be revised. However, an analysis of the available source materials makes one realise that the role of air power was much smaller. At the same time, its exaggeration was part of the discussion in Britain at the time about the fate and shape of the RAF.
Alexander J., The Raid that ‘Ended a War’. The RAF in the Third Afghan War, 1919, RAF CASPS, June 25, 2019, (dostęp: 10 X 2020).
Ali M., Afghanistan. The War of Independence, 1919, Kabul 1960
Ash E., Sir Frederick Sykes and the Air Revolution, 1912–1918, London–Portland 1999
Baden-Powell B., How Airships are Likely to Affect War, „Journal of the Royal United Service Institution” 1910, t. LIV, nr 387, s. 555–581
Baha M.L., N.-W.F.P. Administration under British Rule, 1901–1919, Islamabad 1978
Barthorp M., Afghan Wars and the North-West Frontier, 1839–1947, London 2002
Beckett I.F.W., The Great War, 1914–1918, Essex 2001
Bell C.M., Winston Churchill and the Ten Year Rule, „The Journal of Military History”, X 2010, t. LXXIV, nr 4, s. 523–556, (dostęp: 12 X 2020).(dostęp: 12 X 2020).
Bond B., British Military Policy between the Two World Wars, Oxford 1980
Boone C. de, Aerial Navigation in War, „United Services Magazine”, I 1908, t. XXXVI, nr 950, s. 369–374
Boyle A., Trenchard. Man of Vision, London 1962
Cooper M., The Birth of Independent Air Power. British Air Policy in the First World War, London 1986
Cox J., Take a Cold Tub, Sir! The Story of ‘The Boy’s Own Paper’, Guildford 1982
Ferris J., Treasure Control, The Ten Year Rule and British Service Policies, 1919–1924, „The Historical Journal”, XII 1987, t. XXX, nr 4, s. 859–883
Forbes A., The Afghan Wars 1839–42 and 1878–80, London 1892
Green J., Frontier Assault. The North Staffordshire Regiment in the Third Afghan War 1919, [b.m.w.] 2019
Haldane A.L., The Insurrection in Mesopotamia, 1920, Edinburgh–London 1922
Halley J., The Kabul Raid, „Aeroplane Monthly”, VIII 1979, s. 437–442
Hearne R.P., Aerial Warfare, London–New York 1909
Heathcote T.A., The Afghan Wars, 1839–1919, London 1980
Henderson D., The Art of Reconnaissance, London 1916
Hoffman B., British Air Power in Peripheral Conflict, 1919–1976, Santa Monica 1989, RAND, R-3749-AF, (dostęp: 9 X 2020).
Holland R., The British Empire and the Great War, 1914–1018, w: The Oxford History of the British Empire, t. IV: The Twentieth Century, red. J.M. Brown, W.R. Louis, Oxford 1999, s. 114–137
Hughes T.L., The German Mission to Afghanistan, 1915–1916, „German Studies Review”, X 2002, t. XXV, nr 3, s. 447–476, (dostęp: 15 X 2020).
Jeffery K., The British Army and the Crisis of Empire, 1918–22, Manchester 1984
Jones H.A., The War in the Air. Being the Story of the Part Played in the Great War by the Royal Air Force, London 1937 (reprint: 2002)
Jordan D., The Air Defence of Great Britain. An Overview, 1920–1936, „Air Power Review”, Spring 2018, t. XXI, nr 1, s. 140–159, (dostęp: 20 X 2020).
Kiernan V.G., From Conquest to Collapse. European Empires from 1815–1960, New York 1982
King W.A., Aerial Reconnaissance, „Royal Engineers Journal”, IX 1913, t. XVIII, nr 3, s. 147–154
Macro P., Action at Badama Post. The Third Afghan War, 1919, Oxford–Philadelphia 2019
Masson V.M., Romodin V.A., Istorija Afganistana, t. II: Afganistan v novoe vremja, Moskva 1965
Maxim H.S., Artificial and Natural Flight, London–New York 1908
Molesworth G.N., Afghanistan. An Account of Operations in the Third Afghan War, New York 1962
Moreman T.R., The Army in India and the Development of Frontier Warfare, 1849–1947, London–New York 1998
Norris J.A., The First Afghan War 1838–1842, Cambridge 1967
O’Ballance E., Afghan Wars. Battles in a Hostile Land, 1839 to the Present, London 2002
Omissi D.E., Air Power and Colonial Control. The Royal Air Force, 1919–1939, New York 1990
Paris M., Air Power and Imperial Defence, 1880–1919, „Journal of Contemporary History”, IV 1989, t. XXIV, nr 2, s. 209–225, (dostęp: 10 VI 2020).
Paris M., Winged Warfare. The Literature and Theory of Aerial Warfare in Britain, 1859–1917, Manchester–New York 1992
Poullada L.B., Reform and Rebellion in Afghanistan, 1919–1929. King’s Amanullah’s Failure to Modernize a Tribal Society, Ithaca–London 1973
Richards C., The Origins of Military Aviation in India and the Creation of the Indian Air Force, 1910–1932, cz. 2: The RAF in India and the Creation of the Indian Air Force, 1918–1932, „Air Power Review”, Spring 2008, t. XI, nr 1, s. 20–49, (dostęp: 20 VI 2020).
Robson B., Crisis on the Frontier. The Third Afghan War and the Campaign in Waziristan, 1919–1920, Staplehurst 2004
Roe A., Air Power in British Somaliland, 1920. The Arrival of Gordon’s Bird-Men, Independent Operations and Unearthly Retributions, „Air Power Review”, Spring 2018, t. XXI, (dostęp: 1 VII 2020).
Singhal D.P., India and Afghanistan, 1876–1907. A Study in Diplomatic Relations, Queensland 1963
Spiers E.M., The Victorian Soldier in Africa, Manchester–New York 2004
Stewart J., The Kaiser’s Mission to Kabul. A Secret Expedition to Afghanistan in World War 1, London 2014
Stewart R.T., Fire in Fire in Afghanistan, 1914–1929. The First Opening to the West Undone by Tribal Ferocity Years Before the Taliban, Lincoln 2000
Sykes P., History of Afghanistan, London 1940
Tanner S., Afghanistan. A Military History from Alexander the Great to the Fall of the Taliban, New York 2002
Thin J., The Pre-History of Royal Air Force Area Bombing, 1917–1942, thesis, University of Canterbury, 2008, (dostęp: 22 VI 2020).
Viscount Templewood, Empire of the Air. The Advent of the Air Age, 1922–1929, London 1957
Walters A., Inter-War, Inter-Service Friction on the North-West Frontier of India and its Impact on the Development and Application of Royal Air Force Doctrine, thesis, University of Birmingham, June 2017, (dostęp: 20 VI 2020).
Whitmarsh A., British Army Manoeuvre and the Development of Military Aviation, 1910–1913, „War in History”, VII 2007, t. XIV, nr 3, s. 325–346, (dostęp: 12 VI 2020)
Whitmarsh A., Far from a ‘Useless and Expensive Fad’ Aircraft at British Army Manoeuvres 1910–1913, „Cross and Cockade. Journal of Cross and Cockade International” 2008, Whitmarsh A., Far from a ‘Useless and Expensive Fad’ Aircraft at British Army Manoeuvres 1910–1913, „Cross and Cockade. Journal of Cross and Cockade International” 2008, (dostęp: 12 VI 2020).
Dzieje Najnowsze : [kwartalnik poświęcony historii XX wieku] ; 0419-8824 ; 2451-1323 ; 10.12775/DN.2022.4.03
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Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Sep 22, 2023
Mar 22, 2023
Edition name | Date |
Modrzejewska-Leśniewska, Joanna, Lotnictwo w III wojnie afgańsko-brytyjskiej, 1919–1920 | Sep 22, 2023 |
Karczewski, Krzysztof
Mikulicz, Włodzimierz
Modrzejewska-Leśniewska, Joanna
Modrzejewska-Leśniewska, Joanna Kastory, Andrzej (1939– ) Olstowski, Przemysław (1968– ) Żurawski vel Grajewski, Radosław Paweł (1963– ) Wolsza, Tadeusz (1956– ) Kubicka, Kinga Paszkiewicz, Jędrzej
Andrzejewski, Marek (1947– )
Mikulicz, Włodzimierz