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Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej T. 70 Nr 3
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The article concerns the contact networks of the Gdańsk botanist Jacob Breyne and the naturalia, chiefly live and dried plants, as well as their narrative and visual representations (i.e. descriptions and illustrations), that were being sent from and to Gdańsk in the second half of the 17th c. Contact networks in which the author of the Centuria participated are described based on the analysis of specialist literature, as well as the narrative, iconographic and material sources (the exsiccatae). In addition, a set of Breyne’s dried specimens from James Petiver’s plant collection held in the Sloane Herbarium, now a part of the Natural History Museum in London collection, is presented in the Appendix.
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Arens Esther Helena. 2015. Flowerbeds and hothouses: botany, gardens, and the circulation of knowledge in things, „Historical Social Research”, t. 40, nr 1, s. 265–283.
Banditt Marc. 2018. Gelehrte — Republik — Gelehrtenrepublik: Der Strukturwandel der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig 1743 bis 1820 und die Danziger Aufklärung, Wiesbaden.
Barylewska-Szymańska Ewa, Szymański Wojciech. 2018. Gdańskie ogrody drugiej połowy XVIII w. w anonsach prasowych, [w:] Gdańskie ogrody, red. E. Barylewska-Szymańska, Gdańsk, s. 57–119.
Bibliothecae Breynianae. 1766. Bibliothecae Breynianae Pars Posterior. Sive Catalogus Librorum Philologico-Philosophico-Historicorum, Itinerariorum, Inprimis autem Medicorum, Botanicorum Et Historiae Naturalis Scriptorum &c. Rariorum, Quam Magno Studio Et Sumptu Sibi Comparavit D. Johan. Philipp. Breynius, Acad. Imper. Natur. Curiosorum, Nec Non Reg. Societ. Anglic. Scient. Sodalis. Publica Auctionis Lege In Aedibus B. Possessoris (in der Langgasse.) D. XIV. April. A. MDCCLXVI. Distrahende Per Joan. Godofr. Barthelsen, Gedani.
Breyne Jacob. 1673a. Obs. CCLXXXIX: De musco pulmonario terrestri sanguineo, „Miscellanea Curiosa Medico-Physica Academiae Naturae Curiosorum”, An. 3 (1672), s. 509–510.
Breyne Jacob. 1673b. Obs. CCXC: De felicissima icteri diuturni curatione per muscum pulmonarium quercinum, „Miscellanea Curiosa Medico-Physica Academiae Naturae Curiosorum”, An. 3 (1672), s. 511.
Breyne Jacob. 1673c. Obs. CCXCI: De Amomo Arabum, „Miscellanea Curiosa Medico-Physica Academiae Naturae Curiosorum”, An. 3 (1672), s. 512–513.
Breyne Jacob. 1673d. Obs. CCXCIV: De radice arboris Jacae, „Miscellanea Curiosa Medico-Physica Academiae Naturae Curiosorum”, An. 3 (1672), s. 514.
Breyne Jacob. 1673e. Obs. CCXCV: De Radice Tauzarghanta sive Tauzarghenta, „Miscellanea Curiosa Medico-Physica Academiae Naturae Curiosorum”, An. 3 (1672), s. 515.
Breyne Jacob. 1673f. Obs. CCXCVI: De Tacamahacca Liquida, „Miscellanea Curiosa Medico-Physica Academiae Naturae Curiosorum”, An. 3 (1672), s. 516–517.
Breyne Jacob. 1673g. Obs. CCXCVII: De resina ambrae facie Guaianaica, „Miscellanea Curiosa Medico-Physica Academiae Naturae Curiosorum”, An. 3 (1672), s. 517.
Breyne Jacob. 1676a. Obs. CXXIX: De quercu nivea, ubi aliarum etiam qvarundam plantarum foliis versicoloribus, fit mentio, „Miscellanea Curiosa Medico-Physica Academiae Naturae Curiosorum”, An. 4–5 (1673–1674), s. 138–139.
Breyne Jacob. 1676b. Obs. CXXX: De arbore canella Zeilanica, et de arbore camphorifera Japonica, „Miscellanea Curiosa Medico-Physica Academiae Naturae Curiosorum”, An. 4–5 (1673–1674), s. 139–141.
Breyne Jacob. 1676c. Obs. CXXXI: De cortice aromatico indiae orientalis canellae facie, „Miscellanea Curiosa Medico-Physica Academiae Naturae Curiosorum”, An. 4–5 (1673–1674), s. 142.
Breyne Jacob. 1676d. Obs. CXXXII: De Foliis Arboris Guyanaicae Colorem Purpureum Fundentibus, „Miscellanea Curiosa Medico-Physica Academiae Naturae Curiosorum”, An. 4–5 (1673–1674), s. 142–143.
Breyne Jacob. 1676e. Obs. CXXXIII: De mogori frutice, „Miscellanea Curiosa Medico-Physica Academiae Naturae Curiosorum”, An. 4–5 (1673–1674), s. 143.
Breyne Jacob. 1676f. Obs. CXXXIV: De Bulbo liliaceo Vomitorio capitis bonae spei, „Miscellanea Curiosa Medico-Physica Academiae Naturae Curiosorum”, An. 4–5 (1673–1674), s. 143–144.
Breyne Jacob. 1676g. Obs. CXXXV: De Chrysocome sive stoechade ignescente, „Miscellanea Curiosa Medico-Physica Academiae Naturae Curiosorum”, An. 4–5 (1673–1674), s. 144.
Breyne Jacob. 1676h. Obs. CXXXVI: De Convolvulo heptaphyllo indico villoso, „Miscellanea Curiosa Medico-Physica Academiae Naturae Curiosorum”, An. 4–5 (1673–1674), s. 145.
Breyne Jacob. 1676i. Obs. CXLIX: De Selagine tertia thalii, „Miscellanea Curiosa Medico-Physica Academiae Naturae Curiosorum”, An. 4–5 (1673–1674), s. 192.
Breyne Jacob. 1676j. Obs. CLII: De fungo cornu dorcadis facie, „Miscellanea Curiosa Medico-Physica Academiae Naturae Curiosorum”, An. 4–5 (1673–1674), s. 195.
Breyne Jacob. 1678. Exoticarum aliarumque minus cognitarum plantarum centuria prima, cum figuris aeneis summo studio elaboratis, Gedani.
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Breyne Jacob. 1689. Prodromus fasciculi rariorum plantarum secundus, exhibens catalogum plantarum rariorum Anno M. DC. LXXXIIX. in Hortis Celeberrimis Hollandiae observatarum etc., Gedani.
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Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej ; 0023-5881 ; e-ISSN 2719-6496 ; doi:10.23858/KHKM70.2022.3.002
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Dec 28, 2022
Kizik, Edmund
Cieślak, Edmund (1922–2007)
Konarski, Stanisław (1700–1773) Konopczyński, Władysław (1880–1952) Krakowska Spółka Wydawnicza.
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Klonder, Andrzej
Pękacka-Falkowska, Katarzyna