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Coleoptera Wzgórz Byszewickich w dolinie Noteci
During a 5-years lasting beetle survey of the xerothermic Byszewice Hills in the Noteć River valley (N Poland), 622 species of beetles belonging to 58 families were recorded. 24 species have been recorded from the Wielkopolska-Kujawy Lowland for the first time. A significant number of species associated with xero-thermic habitats was observed. A list of all collected species is presented and comments on several more inter-esting species are provided. Notes on the trophic preferences, tentative characteristics of beetle assemblages, and discussion with special reference to the origin of xerothermic fauna in northern Poland are included. Con-servation actions that should be undertaken to protect endangered xerothermic ecosystems in the Noteć River valley are proposed.
Nowy Pamiętnik Fizjograficzny, t. 5, z. 1/2 (2006. wyd. 2007) ; ISSN 1643-8965
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS
Jul 7, 2022
Jun 7, 2022
Edition name | Date |
R. Ruta – Chrząszcze (Insecta: Coleoptera) kserotermicznych Wzgórz Byszewickich w Dolinie Noteci | Jul 7, 2022 |
Borowiec, Lech
Borowiec, Lech
Belokobylskij, Sergey A. Maeto, Kaoru
Iwan, Dariusz Kubisz, Daniel Mazur, Miłosz A.
Kuntze, Roman Marian (1902–1944)
Kaszyca, Natalia Morawski Miłosz Taszakowski, Artur Depa, Łukasz
Szawaryn, Karol Ceryngier, Piotr Romanowski Jerzy
Stroiński, Adam Błaszczyk, Jakub Świerczewski, Dariusz