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Ważki (Odonata) z Polski ; Dragonflies (Odonata) from Poland in the collection of Museum and Institute of Zoology of Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw
In the Museum and Institute of Zoology of Polish Academy of Sciences (MilZ PAN) there are five collections of dragonflies from the area of Poland. In this paper the four of them are discussed: the materials of Kruger from Szczecin Coastline and Baltic Coastline (1913-21) - the part of the evidence collection for the paper of the dragonflies of Pomorze (Kruger 1925); 2) the materials of Bazyluk from Siemień vicinity in Western Polesie (1929-50), the majority was published by Bazyluk (1947, 2002) and Buczyński (2003); 3) unpublished materials of the group of hydrobiologists from MilZ PAN from the Srodkowomazowiecka Lowland (1954-55); 4) unpublished materials from 12 regions in different part of the country, collected by researchers of MilZ PAN (1945-50). The localization of sites, where materials were collected, are presen- ted in Fig. 1. The discussed collections encompass 46 species. The most interesting are: Sympecma paedisca, Aeshna affinis, Orthetrum albistylum and Sympetrum fonscolombii. Nowadays five are under protection (Sympecma paedisca, Ophiogomphus cecilia, Aeshna viridis, Leucorrhinia al- bifrons, L. pectoralis), four are redlisted (Nehalennia speciosa, Aeshna affinis,A. viridis, Leucorrhinia albifrons). The specimens of Sympecma paedisca from Kruger’s collections are the oldest evidence of the presence of this species in north-western Poland. They were published as S.fusca. This is another example of wrong Identification of this species (cf. Buczyński 2003). It shows that the part of older records of S. fusca probably refers to S. paedisca. The revision of evidence collections could be helpful in defining the boundaries of the rangę of this species in Central and Eastem Europę. Zaborów near Warszawa had been the third locality of Orthetrum albistylum in Poland outside its compact before its boundary moved towards north-west during its expansion in the second half of 90s in 20,h century. Interesting, although not changing the whole picture of their distributions, are the records of Aeshna affinis and Sympetrum fonscolombii. Particularly in the latter case the increase in number of finds has been observed in recent years but without moving the boundaries of its rangę (Fig. 2). Analysed collections are a valuable complement of knowledge about some regions because they come from poorly studies areas and the times when odonatological studies were scarce. The most valuable are materials form central and middle-eastem Poland
Nowy Pamiętnik Fizjograficzny, t. 3, z. 1/2 (2004) ; ISSN 1643-8965
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS
Jul 7, 2022
Jun 7, 2022
Edition name | Date |
P. Buczyński - Ważki (Odonata) z Polski w zbiorach Muzeum i Instytutu Zoologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Warszawie | Jul 7, 2022 |
Buczyński, Paweł
Buczyński, Paweł
Buczyński, Paweł
Bernard, Rafał Buczyński, Paweł Tończyk, Grzegorz
Bernard, Rafał Buczyński, Paweł Łabędzki, Andrzej Tończyk, Grzegorz
Bazyluk, Władysław (1910–1988)
Bystrowski, Cezary