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Archeologia Polski T. 66 (2021)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The text contains reflections on important issues in the field of archaeological theory such as the polysemantisation of culture and concerning palaeosociology, which use archaeological and ethnographical data to study historical social interactions and to broaden knowledge on social determinants studied by historical sociology. Among other things, these issues were made the subject of in-depth reflection by Leo S. Klejn, who defined the area under study as archaeosociology. When organizing anthropological (ethnographic) and archaeological data, we should take into account the mutual relations between complementary perspectives as conscious expressions and unconscious foundations of social life. To do this, it is helpful to apply the concept of cultural polysemantisation, which allows the study of societies without limiting starting assumptions. Artefacts may indicate noteworthy manifestations of past social structures
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Jun 5, 2022
Jun 5, 2022
Tabaczyński, Stanisław (1930– )
Tabaczyński, Stanisław (1930– )
Tabaczyński, Stanisław (1930– )
Tabaczyński, Stanisław (1930– )
Tabaczyński, Stanisław (1930– )
Tabaczyński, Stanisław (1930– )
Tabaczyński, Stanisław (1930– )
Tabaczyński, Stanisław (1930– )