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Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 73 nr 2 (2021)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Investigation into the construction of dwellings, their spatial arrangements, and the nearest surroundings is highly relevant in the field of study on functioning of archaeological phenomenona. During the recent years of excavation undertaken at the Gordineşti II-Stînca goală site, we revealed the remains of at least two dwellings and their economic surroundings that may be referred to on the whole as household clusters. In this paper, we would like to focus on one of them (dwelling no. 1). Our main goal is to present not only the key attributes of the dwelling, but also the results of the spatial analysis of features and artifacts found inside and outside of it. Based on that data, we can suggest that this dwelling consisted of two functionally-varied rooms. This inference seems to be also relevant in the broader sense; it can expand the general knowledge related to issues relating to the household clusters usage in the Eastern Carpathian area in the end of the 4th Millennium BC
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