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Analecta: Studies and Materials for the History of Science
Instytut Historii Nauki im. Ludwika i Aleksandra Birkenmajerów Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Instytut Historii Nauki im. Ludwika i Aleksandra Birkenmajerów Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Biblioteka Instytutu Historii Nauki PAN
Thanks to the discovery made by Jacek Puchalski and Elżbieta Maruszak, both working at the University of Warsaw, Polish academia was presented in 2016 with “Kurs bibliografii” by Łukasz Gołębiowski (1779–1849), a Polish librarian and scientist. In his book, Gołębiowski included his advice on scientific descriptions of medieval manuscripts. The article analyses the educational aspects of the manuscriptological advice included in the book, as well as his proposed method of describing medieval manuscripts. Gołębiowski also made excerpts from the medieval manuscripts stored in the Public Library of the University of Warsaw, which do not exist anymore. Those excerpts are published in the form of annexes with a scientific commentary.
Analecta : studia i materiały z dziejów nauki polskiej
Creative Commons Attribution BY-NC-ND 4.0 license
Library of the Institute for the History of Science PAS
Dec 23, 2024
Jan 3, 2022
Edition name | Date |
Kaliszuk, Jerzy (1973– ), 2020, Badanie rękopisów średniowiecznych według Łukasza Gołębiowskiego | Dec 23, 2024 |
Kaliszuk, Jerzy (1973– )
Iwańczak, Wojciech (1948– ) Szybkowski, Sobiesław (1970– ) Kroll, Piotr Kaliszuk, Jerzy (1973– )
Derecki, Paweł Strzelczyk, Jerzy (1941– ) Derwich, Marek (1956– ) Kaliszuk, Jerzy (1973– ) Dacka-Górzyńska, Iwona Monika Kucharski, Gerard Kosman, Marceli (1940– ) Słoń, Marek
Bajer, Jakub
Derecki, Paweł Nowak, Przemysław Mischke, Wojciech Kujawiński, Jakub Grzesik, Ryszard Kaliszuk, Jerzy (1973– ) Nikodem, Jarosław Strzelczyk, Jerzy (1941– ) Matwiejczuk, Paweł (1976– ) Baran-Kozłowski, Wojciech (1976– ) Manikowska, Halina (1950– ) Kosman, Marceli (1940– ) Sikorska-Kulesza, Jolanta (1957– ) Prokop, Krzysztof Rafał
Figaszewska, Karolina Kinga