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Studia Obszarów Wiejskich = Rural Studies, t. 57
Today, knowledge is a fundamental development factor in all sectors of the economy, including agriculture. However, the specific nature of agriculture affects farmers’ opportunities to acquire knowledge due to their reduced mobility. Due to the surface character of agriculture, and the point and concentrated nature of traditional sources of knowledge, they have difficult access to them. The aim of this study is to analyse the relationship between the level of farmers’ qualifications and the economic efficiency of the farms they manage. This relationship is presented at four spatial and structural scales: (1) European Union, (2) Poland in the whole population of farms, (3) Poland in the population of the most marketable farms, (4) Poland in the diversified population of farms. On the basis of the conducted analyses, it can be stated that regardless of the spatial scale of the research, a general and strong regularity has been confirmed: the economic effects of farm activities (or, more broadly, their economic potential) are correlated with the level of education of people who work or manage them. Not forgetting the great influence on economic condition of farms of such factors as agrarian structure, dominant form of land use, level of specialization, agroecological conditions or physical size of farms, it should be clearly emphasized that knowledge is currently one of the key factors conditioning high management efficiency in agriculture.
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Aug 30, 2021
Aug 30, 2021
Śleszyński, Przemysław
Kulikowski, Roman
Banach, Anna Kozakiewicz, Anna Kozakiewicz, Michał Liro, Anna
Kulikowski, Roman
Chyrczakowski, Stanisław
Lewandowski, K. Nowakowski, J. J.