RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Polska historiografia po roku 1989: spojrzenie socjologa nauki


Zarycki, Tomasz

Date issued/created:


Resource type:



Kwartalnik Historyczny R. 128 nr 1 (2021) ; Rozprawy

Institutional creator:

Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla ISNI ; Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne ISNI


Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences


Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Place of publishing:



p. 491-502 ; Summary in English


The text presents an overview of the state of Polish historiography after 1989 seen from the perspective of the sociology of science, in particular the so-called critical sociology. It points, firstly, to the main achievements, weaknesses, and potential directions for the development of disciplines, especially global history; secondly, to the history of empires, closely related to global history; and thirdly, to the study of the history of modernity in its various understandings and forms.


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Kwartalnik Historyczny





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Resource Identifier:

oai:rcin.org.pl:190983 ; 0023-5903 ; 2451-1315


IH PAN, sygn. A.52/128/1 Podr. ; IH PAN, sygn. A.96/128/1 ; click here to follow the link




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Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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