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Mauvillon, Éléazar de (1712–1779) : Autor ; Gallet, George : Drukarz (16..-1724?)
[6], 295 pages, 13 board cards ; 12 ° ; Red and black title page with date : M. DCC ; On the title page the pseudonym of the author M. ****, the proper name : Mauvillon, Éléazar de (1712-1779)
CBGiOŚ. IGiPZ PAN, call no. 28.808 ; click here to follow the link
Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Aug 11, 2021
Aug 11, 2021
Hill, John Wedel, Daniel Ludwik (1730–1822)
Butler, Frank Hedges (1855–1928) T. Fisher Unwin
Tripplin, Teodor (1813–1881) Wolff, Bolesław Maurycy (1826–1883)
Carus, Carl Gustav (1789–1869)
Carus, Carl Gustav (1789–1869)
Roselieb, Hans (1884–1945) Helmolt, Hans Ferdinand (1865–1929) Deutsche Buch-Gemeinschaft.