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Høst, Georg Hjersing (1734–1794) : Autor ; Proft, Christian Gottlob (c. 1736 – 1793) : Wydawca
Verlegts, Christian Gottlob Proft
[22], 312 pages, XXXIV cards of tables; 4 ° ; Gothic font ; Copperplate illustrations, including a portrait of Georgius Höst ; Author's dedication : "An Seine Königliche Hoheit den Erbprinzen Friderich". Na końcu dedykacji data dzienna: Kopenhagen, den 31. März 1779
Early printed book (1501-1800)
CBGiOŚ. IGiPZ PAN, call no. 24.540 ; click here to follow the link
Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Apr 23, 2021
Apr 22, 2021
Rohlfs, Gerhard (1831–1896) Verlag von J. Kühtmann's Buchhandlung. Wydawca
Kuypers, Franz (1867– ) Klinkhardt & Biermann. Wydawca
Bache, Erling Lorentzen-Stahlschmidt, Elisabeth-Lucia (1902– )
Fischer, Adolf (1856–1914) Bahr, Johann (1859-1930?) Hohenberger, Franz (1867–1941) Georg Bondi Verlag. Wydawca
Müller, Hans (1854–1897) Verlag von Wilhelm Friedrich. Wydawca
Gregorovius, Ferdinand (1821–1891) F. A. Brockhaus (Lipsk)
Doughty, Charles M. (1843–1926) Lawrence, Thomas Edward (1888–1935) Jonathan Cape. Wydawca