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Title: O zastosowaniu elementów etnografii przedtekstowej w badaniu instytucji opieki medycznej


Wierciński, Hubert

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Possibilities for a Pretextual Ethnography in the Study of Healthcare Institutions ; Etnografia Polska 64 z. 1-2 (2020)


Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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In the article I explore the concept of “pre-textual” ethnography. While seeking possibilities for its application, I analyse potential limitations of the latter. I use my own research experiences form Zdrój and Podstawowa Opieka Zdrowotna (POZ, Basic Healthcare). I consider these projects as embedded in two contrasting methodological traditions spanned between post-semiotic analyses and phenomenologically influenced anthropology. I argue, that the choice of methodological orientation should be preceded by careful analyses of the fieldwork characteristics. I consider this scrutiny as reflexive, magnifying and open for various stimulius coming to researcher from the investigated word, and thus, as a main pre-textual tool in current anthropology


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Etnografia Polska





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