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Kwartalnik Historyczny R. 105 nr 3 (1998)
Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences
IH PAN, sygn. A.52/105/3 Podr. ; IH PAN, sygn. A.96/105/3 ; click here to follow the link
Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of History PAS
Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Sep 22, 2023
May 21, 2012
Edition name | Date |
Komunikaty | Sep 22, 2023 |
Wołos, Mariusz (1968– ) Tomaszewski, Jerzy (1930–2014) Rogut, Dariusz (1972– ) Janowski, Maciej (1963– )
Kowalczyk, Elżbieta (1945– ) Znamierowska-Rakk, Elżbieta (1945– ) Manikowska, Halina (1950– ) Roćko, Agata Tazbir, Janusz (1927–2016) Bartoszewicz, Agnieszka (1966– ) Piotrowski, Jacek (1967– ) Materski, Wojciech (1944– ) Wojciechowski, Marian (1927–2006) Wolsza, Tadeusz (1956– )
Bartoszewicz, Henryk (1949– )
Opacki, Zbigniew (1952– )