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Przegląd Geograficzny T. 92 z. 3 (2020)
This paper presents the matter of the environmental reconstruction of laminated lacustrine sediments from the Younger Dryas through to the present day, in particular in respect of microlithofacial analysis and sedimentation rate. Lake Jelonek is located within the Tuchola Pine Forest of northern Poland (at 53°45’58N, 18°23’30E). It occupies a subglacial channel immediately adjacent to the Wda Valley. The lake covers 19.9 ha and has a maximum depth of 13.8 m. In 2014, overlapping sediment cores JEL14 (14.23 m) were collected from that deepest part, in order for a full sediment profile including the younger Dryas and the Holocene to be created. Most of the sediment is found to be laminated. Sedimentation rate was reconstructed for the lake, along with microlithofacial variability of different sections of the sediment. The results obtained were related to an age depth model based on 14 AMS radiocarbon dates, varve chronology and the Askja AD 1875 cryptotephra; and was correlated with pollen profiles. The Holocene sediment record of Lake Jelonek exhibits differences between low and high sedimentation rate intervals and varved and non-varved intervals. From the beginning of the Holocene through to the Subatlantic period, sedimentation proved to be a stable phenomenon. However, in the Subatlantic period, the average sedimentation rate increased to 7.7 mm per year from 2.2 mm, with maximum rates even reaching 15.3 mm/year. This period is reflected in a lack of lamination and the appearance of redeposited deposits. These changes prove particularly sensitive to local impact, with distinct alternations of low and high sedimentation rates and varved and non-varved intervals. The most probable drivers for the observed variability reflect a combination of changes of climate plus anthropogenic deforestation during periods of settlement that enhanced the sensitivity of the lake to wind stress. A summary of all analyses allowed for the identification of periods of rapid change in sedimentation, and – indirectly – for the reproduction of changes in the water level and anthropopressure in and around Lake Jelonek. Such results contribute to a better understanding of local influences on fluctuations in lake sedimentation processes characteristic for the north of Poland, but also Central Europe more widely.
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Mar 25, 2021
Nov 3, 2020
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