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The development of urban-architectural structure in Bydgoszcz during the Prussian partition and its representative areas ; Architektura w mieście, architektura dla miasta : przestrzeń publiczna w miastach ziem polskich w "długim" dziewiętnastym wieku ; Zabór pruski/niemiecki i prowincja śląska
Łupienko, Aleksander (1980– ) : Editor ; Zabłocka-Kos, Agnieszka (1957– ) : Editor ; Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla
p. 443-466: ill. (some color) ; 24 cm ; Abstract in English
The article presents the process of the formation of the urban layout of the town of Bydgoszcz in the nineteenth century. It describes the main directions of the town’s growth together with its important buildings and monuments. The author focuses on the defining characteristics of the town’s representative zones and their role in its life. It is in this context that selected official ceremonies are described which were organised in these public spaces. Attention was paid to the ways in which ceremonial routes on such occasions were selected, as for example an anniversary of the Battle of Sedan, a visit by Emperor Wilhelm II on the Day of the Grenadian Regiment (16 December 1904), and the mayor’s official funeral. Certain events involving Poles are also described. ; 978-83-65880-53-6
IH PAN, call no. II.14682 ; IH PAN, call no. II.14681 Podr. ; click here to follow the link
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Copyright-protected material. [CC BY-ND 4.0] May be used within the scope specified in Creative Commons Attribution BY-ND 4.0 license, full text available at: ; -
Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of History PAS
Oct 2, 2020
Sep 23, 2020
Bręczewska-Kulesza, Daria
Kwiecińska, Maja
Łupienko, Aleksander (1980– )
Łupienko, Aleksander (1980– ) Zabłocka-Kos, Agnieszka (1957– )
Makała, Rafał (1967– )