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Although there is no ‘proper’ macro-regional strategy of the European Union for the Western Mediterranean, different works have, for decades, pointed out various factors of macro-regional coherence of this area, including many organisations and schemes of cooperation. After presenting the conceptual framework used to address the theme, we characterise the case and indicate the state of macro-regional cooperation in the area. Then we discuss the variables that contribute to this cooperation, and those that limit it. This case study sheds light on how macro-regionalisation, by combining a trans-meso scale and a post-complex rationale, induces a renewal of spatial references and planning policies in the European Union. It opens perspectives for the future programming period of territorial cooperation.
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Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Polskiej Akademii Nauk
13 paź 2023
24 wrz 2020
Nazwa wydania | Data |
Perrin T. : The macro-regionalisation of the western Mediterranean, between renewal and uncompletion | 13 paź 2023 |
Klatt, Martin Winkler, Ingo
Guillermo Ramirez, Martin
Pámer, Zoltán