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Wierzbowska, Izabela A. ; Loch, Jan ; Armatys, Paweł ; Matysek, Marcin
Instytut Ochrony Przyrody Polskiej Akademii Nauk
24 cm ; ilustracje ; bibliografia na stronie 8 ; ISSN 0009-6172
Ancrenaz M., Hearn A.J., Ross J., Sollmann R., Wilting A. 2012. Handbook for wildlife monitoring using camera-traps. BBEC II Secretariat, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
Clevenger A.P., Waltho N. 2005. Performance indices to identify attributes of highway crossing structures facilitating movement of large mammals. Biological Conservation 121: 453–464.
Galaverni M., Palumbo D., Fabbri E., Caniglia R., Greco C., Randi E. 2011. Monitoring wolves (Canis lupus) by non-invasive genetics and camera trapping: a small-scale pilot study. European Journal of Wildlife Research 58: 47–58.
Gompper M.E., Kays R.W., Ray J.C., Lapoint S.D., Bogan D.A., Cryan J.R. 2006. A comparison of noninvasive techniques to survey carnivore communities in northeastern North America. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34: 1142–1151.
Kays R.W., Slauson K.M. 2008. Remote cameras. W: Long R.A., MacKay P., Zielinski W.J., Ray J.C. (red.). Noinvise survey methods for carnivores. Island Press, Washington, Covelo, London: 110–140.
Kuijper D.P.J., Verwijmeren M., Churski M., Zbyryt A., Schmidt K., Jędrzejewska B., Smit C. 2014. What cues do ungulates use to assess predation risk in dense temperate forests? PLoS ONE 9 (1): e84607.
Meek P., Ballard G., Fleming P. 2012. An introduction to camera trapping for wildlife surveys in Australia. PestSmart Toolkit publication, Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Canberra, Australia.
Mendoza E., Martineau P.R., Brenner E., Dirzo R. 2011. A novel method to improve individual animal identification based on camera-trapping data. Journal of Wildlife Management 75: 973–979.
Poszig D.C., Apps C.D., Dibb A. 2004. Predation on two mule deer, Odocoileus hemionus, by a Canada Lynx, Lynx canadensis, in the Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains. Canadian Field-Naturalist 118: 191–194.
Rovero F., Zimmermann F., Berzi D., Meek P. 2013. “Which camera trap type and how many do I need?” A review of camera features and study designs for a range of wildlife research applications. Hystrix 24: 148–156.
Samejima H., Ong R., Lagan P., Kitayama K. 2012. Camera-trapping rates of mammals and birds in a Bornean tropical rainforest under sustainable forest management. Forest Ecology and Management 270: 248–256.
Soisalo M.K., Cavalcanti S.M.C. 2006. Estimating the density of a jaguar population in the Brazilian Pantanal using camera-traps and capture–recapture sampling in combination with GPS radio-telemetry. Biological Conservation 129: 487–496.
Weingarth K., Heibl C., Knauer F., Zimmermann F., Bufka L., Heurich M. 2012. First estimation of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) abundance and density using digital cameras and capture-recapture techniques in a German national park. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 35 (2): 197–207.
Bibl. IOP PAN, sygn. F 2, II 293/cz, II 324/cz
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Instytut Ochrony Przyrody Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Instytut Ochrony Przyrody Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Dec 1, 2020
Oct 15, 2020
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