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Institute of Freshwater Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences ; Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
24 cm ; ilustracje ; bibliografia na stronie 296
Amirowicz A. 1988. Environmental characteristics of affluents of the Dobczyce Reservoir (Southern Poland) in the preimpoundment period (1983—1985). 2. Periphyton. Acta Hydrobiol., 30, 297—304.
Bombówna M. 1969. Hydrochemical characteristics of the River Raba and its tributaries. Acta Hydrobiol., 11, 279—504.
Hermanowicz W., Dożańska W., Dojlido J., Koziorowski B. 1976. Fizyko-chemiczne badania wody i ścieków [Physico-chemical analysis of water and wastes]. Warszawa, „Arkady", 847 pp.
Jelonek M., Starmach J. 1988. Environmental characteristics of affluents of the Dobczyce Reservoir (Southern Poland) in the preimpoundment period (1983— —'1985). 3. Ichthyofauna. Acta Hydrobiol., 30, 305—316.
Lewis W. M., Canfield D. 1977. Dissolved organic carbon in some dark Venezuelan waters and a revised equation for spectrophotometric determination of dissolved organic carbon. Arch. Hydrobiol., 79, 441—445.
Pasternak K. 1969. A geological and pedological sketch of the river Raba catchment basin. Acta Hydrobiol., 11, 407—422.
Punzet J. 1969. Hydrological characteristics of the river Raba. Acta Hydrobiol., 11, 423—477.
Stachowicz K. 1986. Surface run-off pollution of agricultural basins in the protective zone of the Dobczyce dam reservoir (the Carpathian Plateau — Poland). Acta Hydrobiol., 28, 21—42.
Uhlmann D., Albrecht E. 1968. Biogeochemische Faktoren der Eutrophierung von Trinkwasser-Talsperren. Limnol., 6, 225—245.
Vollenweider R. A. 1968 (Revised 1971). Water management research. Scientific fundamentals of the eutrophication of lakes and flowing water with particular references to nitrogen and phosphorus as factors in eutrophication. OECD Techn. Rap. DAS (CSI), 88, 27, 159 pp. with 34 figs and Annex 61 pp.
Vollenweider R. A. 1976. Advances in defining critical loading levels for phosphorus in lake eutrophication. Mem. Ist. Ital. Idrobiol., 33, 53—33.
Vollenweider R. A., Kerekes J. 1980. The loading concept as basis for controlling eutrophication philosophy and preliminary results of the OECD programme on eutrophication. Prog. Wat. Techn., 12, 5—38.
Wróbel S. 1980. The Dobczyce dam water reservoir and its protection. Zesz. Probl. Post. Nauk Roln., 235, 205—215.
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Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Science
Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Science
Sep 1, 2021
Apr 29, 2020
Mazurkiewicz, Grażyna
Mazurkiewicz-Boroń, Grażyna
Starzecka, Aleksandra Mazurkiewicz, Grażyna
Starzecka, Aleksandra Mazurkiewicz, Grażyna
Starmach, Janusz Fleituch, Tadeusz Amirowicz, Antoni Mazurkiewicz, Grażyna Jelonek, Marek