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Taking inspiration from maritime spatial planning, more in particular the Law of the Sea dividing ocean space into zones of graduated control, including areas beyond national jurisdiction (where by definition territorialism does not apply) the paper revisits territories as the building blocks of a political order. From there it proceeds to discussing the power, not to say the delusion of territorial sovereignty, only to revisit neo-medievalism as an alternative ordering principle for the governance of space. Accordingly, though sovereign in theory, stand-along territories are in reality conceptualised as being enmeshed in a web of functional relations, many of which with their own governance arrangements and with many overlaps between them. Which makes imposing an overall order a doubtful enterprise.
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Oct 13, 2023
Feb 20, 2020
Edition name | Date |
Faludi A. : New horizons: Beyond territorialism | Oct 13, 2023 |
Krośnicka, Karolina A
Jerzak, Katarzyna Shrayer, Maxim D Krośnicka, Karolina A Lorens, Piotr Zaucha, Jacek Pardus, Joanna
Neimane, Leila Pužulis, Atmands
Schmidt, Veronika (1973– ) Schaefer, Heinrich Martin Leisler, Bernd
Laskowicz, Tomasz