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Studia Obszarów Wiejskich = Rural Studies, t. 54
The subject matter being discussed in the article pertains to the idea of social farming. According to the European Economic and Social Committee, social farming is an innovative approach combining two concepts: multifunctional agriculture and social services and/or health care at the local level. Social farming provides an opportunity to improve the well-being of individuals and collective integration of people at risk of social exclusion. It creates new employment opportunities and diversification of income sources for inhabitants of rural areas. The idea of social farming has been developing for many years in countries of Western Europe, while in Poland it is still at an initial phase. The article presents objectives of social farming, implemented social services, categories of beneficiaries and forms of their support. The paper also presents case studies from selected European countries. Further part of the article is devoted to legal aspects of establishing and functioning welfare farms in Poland.
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Pinowska, Barbara