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Karol Starmach Institute of Freshwater Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
24 cm ; ilustracje ; bibliografia na stronie 185 ; ISSN 0065-132X
Balon E.K. 1964. A list and the ecological characterisation of Polish freshwater Cyclostomes and Pisces. Pol. Arch. Hydrobiol., 12, 233-251 [in Polish with English summary].
Chitravadivelu K. 1971. Growth of Chondrostoma nasus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Dunajec and Raba of the upper Vistula. Vest. Cs. Spol. Zool., 35, 85-91.
Čugunova N.I. 1959. Rukovodstvo po izučeniu vozrasta i rosta ryb [Guide book to study of the age and growth of fishes]. Moskwa. Izdat. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 163 pp. [in Russian].
Gąsowska M. I960. Die Nase Chondrostoma nasus (L.) aus Wisla und ihrer einiger Nebenflusse. Fragm. Faun. 8, 435-444 [in Polish with German summary].
Iwaszkiewicz M. 1969. Chondrostoma nasus (L.) in the Warta River basin. Roczn. WSR Poznań, 43 (Wydz. Zootechn., 13) 43-50 [in Polish with English summary].
Jelonek M. and Starmach J. 1988. Environmental charakteristics of affluents of Dobczyce Resorvoir (Southern Poland) in the preimpoundment period (1983-1985). 3. Ichthyofauna. Acta Hydrobiol., 30, 305-316.
Klimczyk-Janikowska M. 1973. Cyprinid (Chondrostoma nasus L.) from the River Raba. Acta Hydrobiol., 15, 197-213.
Kołder W. 1964. Der Fischbestand der oberen Wisła und seine Veranderungen nach der Erbauung des Staubeckens Goczałkowice. Acta Hydrobiol., 6, 327-350.
Kołder W., Skóra S. and Włodek J. M. 1974. Ichthyofauna of the River Raba and of its tributaries. Acta Hydrobiol., 16, 65-99.
Kopiejewska W. 1986. Świnka, Chondrostoma nasus [Nase, Chondrostoma nasus]. In: Brylińska M. (ed.) Ryby słodkowodne Polski [Freshwater fishes of Poland]. Warszawa, PWN, 233-236 [in Polish].
Lusk S. 1967. Population dynamics of Chondrostoma nasus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Rokytna River. Acta Sc. Nat. Brno, 1, 473-522.
Lusk S. 1995a. Influence of valley dams on the changes in fish communities inhabiting streams in the Dyja River drainge area. Folia Zool., 44, 45-56.
Lusk S. 1995b. The status of Chondrostoma nasus in waters of the Czech Republic. Folia Zool., 44 (Supl.), 1-8.
Lusk S. and Halacka K. 1995. Anglers’ catches as an indicator of population size of the nose, Chondrostoma nasus. Folia Zool., 44, 185-192.
Olewski B. 1967. Zanik brzany i świnki w Warcie [Extinction of barbel and nase in the River Warta]. Gospodarka Rybna, 19 (6), 6 [in Polish].
Opuszyński K. 1979. Podstawy biologii ryb [Fundamentals of fish biology]. Warszawa, PWRiL, 589 pp. [in Polish].
Prawocheński R. 1963a. Observation in the larval development of the nose carp (Chondrostoma nasus L.). Rocz. Nauk. Roln., B-82, 667-678 [in Polish with English summary].
Prawocheński R. 1963b. The age and growth rate of the nose carp Chondrostoma nasus (L.) from south-east part of Poland. Rocz. Nauk Roln., B-83, 161-182 [in Polish with English summary].
Rychlicki Z. 1933. Świnka Chondrostoma nasus L. [Nase, Chondrostoma nasus L.]. Przegląd Rybacki, 10, 338-344 [in Polish].
Skóra S., Włodek J.M., Augustyn L. and Nawrocki J. 1994. Ichthyofauna of the Biała Dunajcowa river catchment area. Rocz. Nauk. PZW., 7-8, 19-37 [in Polish with English summary].
Starmach J. 1985. Fish zones of the River Dunajec upper catchment basin. Acta Hydrobiol., 25/26, 415-427 [in Polish with English summary].
Starmach J., Jelonek M., Mazurkiewicz G., Fleituch T. and Amirowicz A. 1988. Investigations of the present condition of the ichthyofauna and possible exploitation of the Raba River drainage basin. Rocz. Nauk. PZW., 1, 75-96 [in Polish with English summary].
Starmach K. 1956. Characteristic of rivers from biological and fishery point of view. Pol. Arch. Hydrobiol., 3 (16), 307-332 [in Polish with English summary].
Wajdowicz Z. 1958. Obserwacje nad formowaniem się stada ryb w Zbiorniku Goczałkowickim [Observations on origin of the ichthyofauna in the Goczałkowice Reservoir]. Proc. 4th Congr. Hydrobiol. Pol., Krakow, 24-27 September 1958. Warszawa, Kom. Hydrobiol. PAN, 44-45 [in Polish].
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Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Science
Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Science
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