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Przegląd Geograficzny T. 83 z. 2 (2011)
1. Agarwal S., 1997, The resort cycle and seaside tourism: An assessment of its applicability and validity, Tourism Management, 18, 1, s. 65–73.
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5. Butler R.W., 2006a, The Tourism Area Life Cycle – Applications and Modifications, Channel View Publications, Clevedon.
6. Butler R.W., 2006b, The Tourism Area Life Cycle – Conceptual and Theoretical Issues, Channel View Publications, Clevedon.
7. Chojnicki Z., 1988, Koncepcja terytorialnego systemu społecznego, Przegląd Geograficzny, 60, 4, s. 491–510.
8. Cooper C., Jackson S., 1989, Destination lifecycle: the Isle of Man case study, Annals of Tourism Research, 16, 2, s. 377–398.
9. Douglas N., 1997, Applying the lifecycle model to Melanesia, Annals of Tourism Research, 24, 1, s. 1–22.
10. Farrell B., Twinning-Ward L., 2005, Seven steps towards sustainability: Tourism in the context of new knowledge, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 13, 1, s. 109–122.
11. Hovinen G., 2001, Revisiting the destination lifecycle model, Annals of Tourism Research, 29, s. 209–230.
12. Kruczek Z., Zmyślony P., 2010, Regiony turystyczne, Proksenia, Kraków.
13. Liszewski S., Baczwarow M., 1998, Istota i właściwości przestrzeni rekreacyjno-turystycznej, Turyzm, 8, 1, s. 39–67.
14. Lundtorp S., Wanhill S., 2001, The resort lifecycle theory, Annals of Tourism Research, 29, 4, s. 947–964.
15. McDonald J. R., 2009, Complexity science: an alternative world view for understanding sustainable tourism development, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 17, 3, s. 455–471.
16. Mc Kercher B., 1999, A chaos approach to tourism, Tourism Management, 20, 4, s. 425–434.
17. Oppermann M., 1998, What is new with the resort cycle?, Tourism Management, 19, 1, s. 169–180.
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19. Russell R, Faulkner B., 1999, Movers and shakers: Chaos makers in tourism development, Tourism Management, 20, 4, s. 411–423.
20. Russell R, Faulkner B., 2004, Enterpreneurship, chaos and the tourism area lifecycle, Annals of Tourism Research, 31, 3, s. 556–579.
21. Szulc-Dąbrowiecka E., 2004, Farafra jako miejscowość turystyczna w latach 1993–2004, Afryka, Azja, Ameryka Łacińska, 81, s. 157–185.
22. Tempczyk M., 1998, Teoria chaosu a filozofia, Wydawnictwo Cis, Warszawa.
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Oct 2, 2020
Jan 17, 2012
Edition name | Date |
Mazurkiewicz L. - O próbie zastosowania teorii chaosu do opisu ewolucji obszaru turystycznego | Oct 2, 2020 |
Mazurkiewicz, Ludwik
Mazurkiewicz, Ludwik
Galiński, Tadeusz
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