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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Plant communities in the Boatin biosphere reserve on the northern slopes of the Stara Planina Mts. (Central Bulgaria) ; Zbiorowiska roślinne rezerwatu biosfery Boatin na północnych stokach masywu Starej Planiny (środkowa Bułgaria)


Michalik, Stefan

Date issued/created:


Resource type:



Research Centre for the Protection of Nature and Natural Resources of the Polish Academy of Sciences


Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe

Place of publishing:

Warszawa ; Kraków


29 cm ; ilustracje ; bibliografia na stronach 35-36 ; ISBN 83-01-09304-8 ; ISSN 0078-3250

Type of object:



Braun-Blanquet J. 1964. Pflanzensoziologie. Wien-New York.
Bondev I. 1973. Karta na rastitielnosita na Bulgarija, M = 1 : 100000. Geografski atlas na NR Bulgarija. GUGK, Sofia.
Ganchev S., Kochev H. 1964. Rastitielna pokrivka na bezlesnata čast na Etropolska Stara Planina. Izv. Bot. Inst. 13: 81-117.
Garelkov D. 1967. Osnovni principy pri tipologiata klasifikacija na bukovite gori v Stara Planina. Typologische Klassifikation der Buchenwälder in Stara Planina. Gorskostop. Nauk. 1 : 3-20.
Garelkov D., Gueorguiev A. 1975. Types biogeocenoses dans les forests de hetre de Stara Planina. Problems of Balkan flora and vegetation, 407-413. Sofia.
Garelkov D., Naumov Z., Gueorguiev A., Milchev Μ., Dimitrova E., Milanov R. 1976. Klasifikacija i kartorane na miestorastenija v gorskija rezervat “Boatin”. Gorskostop. Nauk. 13, 5: 43-52.
Horvat I., Glavač V., Ellenberg H. 1974. Vegetation Südosteuropas. Jena.
Kochev H. 1967. Hrastovata i trevnata rastitelnost v vysokoplaninskija rajon na Trojanska Stara Planina. Shrub and grass vegetation in the high-mountain area of the Trojan-section of the Balkan Range. Izv. Bot. Inst. 17: 5-90.
Kochev H. 1969. Gorskite cenozi v dolinata na reka Černi Osm (Centralna Stara Planina). The forest coenosis in the Valley of Cherni Osm River (Central Balkan Mountain Range). Izv. Bot. Inst. 19: 5-62.
Kochev H. 1977. Prvična produkcija na njakom trevni asocjacii v Etropolska Stara Planina. Primary production of some grass associations found in the Etropole Region of the Balkan mountains. Fitologija 8: 31-46.
Kochev H. 1982. Izsledvane na fitomasata na nadzemnite časti na asocjacija Vaccinium myrtillus i asocjacija Bruckenthalia spiculifolia w Etropolska Planina. Investigation of the overground phytomass of association Vaccinium myrtillus and association Bruckenthalia spiculifolia in the Etropole-Mountain. Fitologija 21: 3-11.
Kochev H. 1983. Po vprosa na vertikalnata zonalnost na rastitielnostta v Bulgarija. The vertical vegetation belting in the Bulgaria. Mieżdunar. Simp. MAB-6, Wraca 24-29. 10. 1983. Materiały, t. 1: 54-61.
Kurzyński J. 1983. Bukovyje lesa staroplaninskogo zapoviednika Boatin i ich izmienčivost. Beech forests of the Boatin Naturae Reserve and their variability. Mieżdunar. Simp. MAB-6, Wraca 24-29. 10. 1983. Materiały, t. 1: 96-103.
Michalik S. 1983. Rastitielnyje soobsčestva zapoviednika Boatin. Plant communities of the Boatin nature reserve. Mieżdunar. Simp. MAB-6, Wraca 24-29. 10. 1983. Materiały, t. 1: 91-95.
Michalik S. 1983. Granica mieżdu zonoj bukovych i jełovych lesov v zapoviednike Boatin The boundary between beechwoods and spruce forests in the Boatin naturae reserve Mieżdunan Simp. MAB—6, Wraca 24-29. 10. 1983. Materiały, t. 1: 104–108.
Michalik S. 1984. „Boatin” — rezerwat bałkańskich buczyn Przyr. pol. 3: 45.
Michalik S. 1985. The course of the upper beech forest line depending on the exposition, relative insolation and relief in the Boatin nature reserve on the northern slopes of the Stara Planina Mts (Central Bulgaria). Bull. Pol. Acad., ser. Biol. 33, 7—12: 107—115.
Pawłowski B. 1972. Skład i budowa zbiorowisk roślinnych oraz metody ich badania. Szata roślinna Polski, t. 1: 237-273. Państw. Wydawn. Nauk. Warszawa.


Protection of Nature


R. 47

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Bibl. IOP PAN, sygn. F 1, III 69/cz, III 70/cz



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Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Science

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Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Science

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Operational Program Digital Poland, 2014-2020, Measure 2.3: Digital accessibility and usefulness of public sector information; funds from the European Regional Development Fund and national co-financing from the state budget.



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