RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Zróżnicowanie morfologiczno-ekologiczne ptaków wodno-błotnych


Jakubiec, Zbigniew

Date issued/created:


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Morpho-ecological differentiation of aquatic-swamp birds ; Zróżnicowanie ptaków wodno-błotnych


Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologii


Państwowe Wydawnictwa Naukowe

Place of publishing:



Pages 99-107 ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (page 106) ; Abstract in English

Type of object:



It is difficult to analyse the occurrence of birds within the aquatic-swamp biocenoses because of the great diversity of these habitats including also different succession stages, and also because of the diversity of bird species, their considerable ecological flexibility and seasonal variability. Some help is given by different kinds of classification, where far greater simplicity species with approximate requirements are grouped in bigger units. Such classification helps.to discover competition, either potential or already existing, in the group of organisms examined, and as far as birds are concerned it illustrates also to same extent their role in aquatic-swamp biocenoses. This is a wider approach to the division of aquatic-swamp birds into types and morpho-ecological forms as suggested by Dobrowolski (1964, 1969, 1973). The division was an attempt to provide a system covering all species of aquatic-swamp birds in Poland with consideration to the different conditions in the breeding and post-breeding seasons. The classification (Table I) presents five types of aquatic-swamp birds and is based on morphological adaptation to habitats they occupy. Among all types, twenty forms of birds are distinguished according to their food and way of obtaining it. Each farm has some species of birds, sometimes even whole genera.The diagram of species division, presented in Table I, illustrates the relations existing in the breeding season (except reed phytophags which can be distinguished only in the post-breeding season). It should be indicated that the suggested division of species into particular forms is not a stiff one, material analysed should be always adapted to the pattern after considering the local conditions and season of the year.


Bednorz J. 1976 — Ptaki wodne i błotne zagospodarowanych łąk zalewowych w dolinie Warty koło Poznania — Wydaw. UAM, Ser. Zool. 5: 1—78.
Dobrowolski K. A. 1964 — Studies on ecological adaptations of birds of the Vistula River — Ekol. pol. A, 12: 615—651.
Dobrowolski K. A. 1969 — Structure of the occurrence of water-fowl types and morpho-ecological forms — Ekol. pol. A, 17: 29—72.
Dobrowolski K. A. 1973 — Ptaki wodne i ich rola w ekosystemie jeziornym — Wiad. ekol. 19: 351—371.
Falkowski M., Filipek J., Lidtke W., Skolimowski L., Szoszklewicz J., Tołwińska M. 1973 — Uprawa i użytkowanie łąk i pastwisk — PWRiL, Warszawa, ss. 574.
Handbuch der Vogel Mitteleuropas 1966—1975 — Akademische Ver- lagsgesełlschaft, Frankfurt am Mein, Wiesbaden, t. I—VI, ss. 483+535+504+ + 945+700 + 840.
Hilden O. 1965 — Habitat selection in birds: A review — Annals Zool. Fen. 2: 53—75.
Luniak M. 1968 — Niektóre problemy związane z metodyką badań liczebności ptaków w środowisku rzecznym — Ekol. pol. B, 14: 161—170.
Mikulski J. S. 1974 — Biologia wód śródlądowych — PWN, Warszawa, ss. 434.
Sokołowski J. 1972 — Ptaki ziem polskich — PWN, Warszawa, t. I—II, ss. 339+457.
Starmach K. 1973 — Wody śródlądowe — Wydaw. UJ, Kraków, 363.


Wiadomości Ekologiczne





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oai:rcin.org.pl:156872 ; ISSN 0013-2969


MiIZ PAN, call no. P.3259 ; click here to follow the link



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Digitizing institution:

Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Original in:

Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Projects co-financed by:

Operational Program Digital Poland, 2014-2020, Measure 2.3: Digital accessibility and usefulness of public sector information; funds from the European Regional Development Fund and national co-financing from the state budget.



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Feb 4, 2022

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