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Title: Potrzeby i możliwości badań w zakresie przeciwdziałania niekorzystnym skutkom eutrofizacji


Kajak, Zdzisław

Date issued/created:


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Needs amd possibilities of studies on counteracting unfavourable effects of eutrophication ; Przeciwdziałanie niekorzystnym skutkom eutrofizacji


Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologiczny


Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe

Place of publishing:



Pages 148-168 ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 161-166) ; Abstract in English

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Within the scope of the problem of water pollution it is necessary to distinguish two main matters: A. Intensification of the natural process of eutrophication as the result of human activities; B. pollution by chemical substances foreign to natural conditions. Every effort should be made to prevent or to limit to the greatest possible degree pollution of type B; in respect of type A it is possiible in addition to resort to ecological means of counteracting pollution. An optimistic accent here is the success achieved in counteracting excessive eutrophication of water by technical means: by •completely cutting off waste inflow (Lake Washington), cleaning by a through flow of pure water (Lake Green), removal of hypolimnion waters rich in mineral salts (Kortowo Lake). Operations such as aerating the hypolimnion, management of the drainage basin in order to reduce inflow into the 1ake, chelating of phosphorus in sediments, and in extreme cases restoration of lakes by removal of bottom sediments afford hopes of success. The above operations are however only possible in certain situations. It is therefore important to search for ways of improving the purity of water despite its high trophic character which in the majority of cases, will undoubtedly intensify with the passage of time. The first condition and basis for planning means of solving this problem must be to obtain a thorough knowledge of the situation defining the various components of the nutrients balance - their inflow from drainage basin, their percentage in the water, bottom sediments, macrophytes, seasonal dynamics and forecasting changes on the basis of information intended economic operations (intensification of fertilization in agriculture, increase of the amount of wastes and others). In stagnant waters we are usually concerned with secondary pollution - excessive development of algae. A knowledge of the processes and mechanisms determining their development should therefore provide guidance as to possible ways of counteracting such pollution.


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