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Zwierzchowska, Iwona ; Stępniewska, Małgorzata ; Łowicki, Damian
Przegląd Geograficzny T. 82 z. 1 (2010)
1. Abdullah S.A., Nakagoshi N., 2006, Changes in landscape spatial pattern in the highly developing state of Selangor, peninsular Malaysia, Landscape and Urban Planning, 77, 3, s. 263–275.
2. Alberti M., 2005, The effects of urban patterns on ecosystem function, International Regional Science Review, 28, 2, s. 168–192.
3. Alberti M., Booth D., Hill K., Coburn B., Avolio Ch., Coed S., Spirandelli D., 2007, The impact of urban patterns on aquatic ecosystems: An empirical analysis in Puget lowland sub-basins, Landscape and Urban Planning, 80, 4, s. 345–361.
4. Bailey D., Herzog F., Augenstein I., Aviron S., Billeter R., Szerencsits E., Baudry J., 2007, Thematic resolution matters: Indicators of landscape pattern for European agroecosystems, Ecological Indicators, 7, 3, s. 692–709.
5. Bayliss J., Helyar A., Lee J.T., Thompson S., 2003, A multi-criteria targeting approach to neutral grassland conservation, Journal of Environmental Management, 67, 2, s. 145–160.
6. Berling-Wolff S., Wu J., 2004, Modelling urban landscape dynamics: A case study in Phoenix, USA, Urban Ecosystems, 7, 3, s. 215–240.
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8. Błażejewski R., 2003, Kanalizacja wsi, Polskie Zrzeszenie Inżynierów i Techników Sanitarnych, Poznań.
9. Botequilha L., Ahern J., 2002, Applying landscape ecological concepts and metrics in sustainable landscape planning, Landscape and Urban Planning, 59, 2, s. 65–93.
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11. Brotons L., Mönkkönen M., Huhta E., Nikula A., Rajasärkkä A., 2003, Effects of landscape structure and forest reserve location on old-growth forest bird species in Northern Finland, Landscape Ecology, 18, 4, s. 377–393.
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14. DiBari J.N., 2007, Evaluation of five landscape-level metrics for measuring the effects of urbanization on landscape structure: the case of Tuscon, Arizona, USA, Landscape and Urban Planning, 79, 3–4, s. 308–313.
15. Duncan B.W., Schmalzer P.A., 2004, Anthropogenic influences on potential fire spread in a pyrogenic ecosystem of Florida, USA, Landscape Ecology, 19, 2, s. 153–165.
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20. Griffith J.A., Martinko E.A., Price K.P., 2000, Landscape structure analysis of Kansas at three scales, Landscape and Urban Planning, 52, 1, s. 45–61.
21. Gulinck H., Mu´gica M., Lucio V., Atauri A., 2001, A framework for comparative landscape analysis and evaluation based on land cover data, with an application in the Madrid region (Spain), Landscape and Urban Planning, 55, 4, s. 257–270.
22. Hahs A.K., McDonnell M.J., 2006, Selecting independent measures to quantify Melbourne’s urban–rural gradient, Landscape and Urban Planning, 78, 4, s. 435–448.
23. Hargis C.D., Bissonette J.A., Davide J.L., 1998, The behavior of landscape metrics commonly used in the study of habitat fragmentation, Landscape Ecology, 13, 3, s. 167–186.
24. Herold M., Couclelis H., Clarke K.C., 2005, The role of spatial metrics in the analysis an dmodelling of urban land use change, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 29, 4, s. 369–399.
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26. Herzog F., Lausch A., 2001, Supplementing land-use statistics with landscape metrics: some methodological considerations, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 72, 1, s. 37–50.
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29. Kearns F.R., Kelly N.M., Carter J.L., Resh V.H., 2005, A method for the use of landscape metrics in freshwater research and management, Landscape Ecology, 20, 1, s. 113–125.
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31. Kong F., Nakagoshi N., 2006, Spatial-temporal gradient analysis of urban green spaces in Jinan, China, Landscape and Urban Planning, 78, 3, s. 147–164.
32. Koper N., Schmiegelow F.K.A., 2006, A multi-scaled analysis of avian response to habitat amount and fragmentation in the Canadian dry mixed-grass prairie, Landscape Ecology, 21, 7, s. 1045–1059.
33. Kopczewska K., 2007, Ekonometria i statystyka przestrzenna z wykorzystaniem programu R CRAN, Wydawnictwo CeDeWu, Warszawa.
34. Kot R., Leśniak K., 2006, Ocena georóżnorodności za pomocą miar krajobrazowych – podstawowe trudności metodyczne, Przegląd Geograficzny, 78, 1, s. 25–45.
35. Langanke T., Rossner G., Vrščaj B., Lang S., Mitchley J., 2005, Selection and application of spatial indicators for nature conservation at different institutional levels, Journal for Nature Conservation, 13, 2–3, s. 101–114.
36. Lausch A., Herzog F., 2002, Applicability of landscape metrics for the monitoring of landscape change: issues of scale, resolution and interpretability, Ecological Indicators, 2, 1–2, s. 3–15.
37. Li H., Wu J., 2004, Use and misuse of landscape indices, Landscape Ecology, 19, s. 389–399.
38. Li X., Lu L., Cheng G., Xiao H., 2001, Quantifying landscape structure of the Heihe River Basin, north-west China using FRAGSTATS, Journal of Arid Environments, 48, 4, s. 521–535.
39. Luck M., Wu J., 2002, A gradient analysis of urban landscape pattern: a case study from the Phoenix metropolitan region, Arizona, USA, Landscape Ecology, 17, 4, s. 327–339.
40. Łowicki D., 2008, The share of land cover class and the landscape structure. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of Wielkopolsko-Kujawska Lowland using GIS techniques, [w:] J. Plit, V. Andreychouk (red.), Methods of Landscape Research, Dissertations Commission of Cultural Landscape, 8, Sosnowiec, s. 197–206.
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46. Minh H.P., Yamaguchi Y., 2008, A case study on the relation between urban growth and city planning using remote sensing and spatial metrics. International Symposium on Geoinformatics for Spatial Infrastructure Development in Earth and Allied Sciences, Japan-Vietnam Geoinformatics Consortium, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, 4–6 Dec. 2008,
47. Olsen L.M., Dale V.H., Foster T., 2007, Landscape patterns as indicators of ecological change at Fort Benning, Georgia, USA, Landscape and Urban Planning, 79, 2, s. 137–149.
48. Perry J. N., Liebhold A. M., Rosenberg M. S., Dungan J., Miriti M., Jakomulska A., Citron-Pousty S., 2002, Illustrations and guidelines for selecting statistical methods for quantifying spatial pattern in ecological data, Ecography, 25, 5, s. 578–600.
49. Richling A., Lechnio J., 2005, Koncepcja krajobrazu – operatory i indykatory ewolucji systemów przyrodniczych, [w]: A. Richling, J. Lechnio (red.), Z problematyki funkcjonowania krajobrazów nizinnych, Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych UW, Warszawa, s. 11–27.
50. Riitters K.H., O’Neill R.V., Hunsaker C.T., Wickham J.D., Yankee D.H., Timmins S.P., Jones K.B., Jackson B.L., 1995, A factor analysis of landscape pattern and structure metrics, Landscape Ecology, 10, 1, s. 23–39.
51. Rustigian H.L., Santelmann M.V., Schumaker N.H., 2003, Assessing the potential impacts of alternative landscape designs on amphibian population dynamics, Landscape Ecology, 18, 1, s. 65–81.
52. Solon J., 2002, Ocena różnorodności krajobrazu na podstawie analizy struktury przestrzenne j roślinności, Prace Geograficzne, IGiPZ PAN, 185, Warszawa.
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57. Westphal M.I., Field S.A., Tyre A.J., Paton D., Possingham H.P., 2003, Effects of landscape pattern on bird species distribution in the Mt. Lofty Ranges, South Australia, Landscape Ecology, 18, 4, s. 413–426.
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59. Wu J., 2004, Effects of changing scale on landscape pattern analysis: scaling relations, Landscape Ecology, 19, 2, s. 125–138.
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61. Xie Y., Yy M., Bai Y., Xing X., 2006, Ecological analysis of an emerging urban landscape pattern-desakota: A case study in Suzhou, China, Landscape Ecology, 21, 8, s. 1297–1309.
62. Zhang L., Wang H., 2006, Planning an ecological network of Xiamen Island (China) using landscape metrics and network analysis, Landscape and Urban Planning, 78, 4, s. 449–456.
63. Zwierzchowska I., 2008, Zróżnicowanie stopnia fragmentacji terenów zieleni w miastach Wielkopolski, Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu, 22, s. 139–158.
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Oct 2, 2020
Dec 1, 2011
Łowicki, Damian Mizgajski, Andrzej
Sotzmann, Daniel Fridrich (1754–1840) Gürsch, Carl Friedrich
Sotzmann, Daniel Fridrich (1754–1840) Gürsch, Carl Friedrich