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Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Temat i słowa kluczowe = "the early Middle Ages"]

Wyników: 1 700

Obiektów na stronie:

Żak, Jan (1923–1990)


Kowalska, Anna Bogumiła


Szafrański, Włodzimierz (1920–1998)


Rychter, Mariusz R. Strzyż, Piotr


Spindle whorl (fragment) [3D] XI-XII century

Archaeological artifact

Vessel base with a pottery mark [3D] XI-XII century - chronology of the layers

Archaeological artifact

Runner made of an animal bone, fragments [2D] XI-XII century (?)

Archaeological artifact

Little chain [3D] XI-XII century

Archaeological artifact

Metal ring [3D] XI-XII century - chronology of the layers

Archaeological artifact

Vessel base with a pottery mark [2D] XI-XII century - chronology of the layers

Archaeological artifact

Metal ring [2D] XI-XII century - chronology of the layers

Archaeological artifact

Runner made of an animal bone, fragments [3D] XI-XII century (?)

Archaeological artifact

Fragment of an object – pin (?), hook (?) [3D] XI-XII century - dating of the layers

Archaeological artifact

Iron buckle [2D] XI-XII century

Archaeological artifact

Fragment of a glass ring [2D] XI/XII century

Archaeological artifact

Fragment of a glass object [2D] XI-XI/XII century

Archaeological artifact

Lead object [3D] XI-XII century - chronology of the layers

Archaeological artifact

Iron buckle [3D] XI-XII century

Archaeological artifact

Base of the vessel with a pottery mark [2D] XII century

Archaeological artifact

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