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Title: Archaeology anthropology history. Unconscious foundations and conscious expressions of social life


Tabaczyński, Stanisław (1930– )

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Archaeologia Polona Vol. 44 (2006)


Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences

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il. ; 24 cm

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In his paper, the author applies the thinking of Claude Lévi-Strauss to an analysis of the place of archaeology, anthropology and history as elements of broadly conceived research of the social past. The author refers to a useful proposal of Lévi-Strauss before presenting the different, not separate or contradictory, but rather complementary perspectives and research approaches of the three main disciplines studying the past. One part of the text is dedicated to the cognitive process and problems of inference, especially those under the influence of philosophy of science in the mainstream tradition of processual, postprocessual and cognitive archaeology. Particular attention is devoted to Karl Popper’s idea of World 3 as the sum of human knowledge, a product of the evolution of the species and a beautiful insight in the theory and practice of the broadly conceived historical sciences. An important topic of the paper is the relationship between the natural sciences and the humanities. At the end, the author, referring to Edward Wilson’s concept of “Deep History”, and to the EUROCORES Programme, postulates the development and amplification of cooperation between the humanities and natural sciences. The author indicates the points of Popper’s thought which can be an inspiration for archaeological reflection


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